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Re: [wdiff-bugs] mdiff crashes with exit status 139

From: Martin von Gagern
Subject: Re: [wdiff-bugs] mdiff crashes with exit status 139
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 02:55:15 +0200
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Sorry for this late reply.

On 05.07.2013 11:32, Santiago Vila wrote:
> I've received a report from The Mayhem Team, Cylab, Carnegie Mellon 
> University.
> [...]
> Simplified as much as possible, this is the bug:
> $ mdiff --expand-
> mdiff: ignoring option --tolerance (not implemented)
> Segmentation fault
> I have not packaged wdiff 1.2.1 for Debian yet, but the bug may
> be reproduced there as well.

Thank you for the report. The issue is indeed present in 1.2.1. It is
due to a conflict in short option letters. I just committed a fix for
this, but don't intend to roll a new release just for this single fix in
an obscure option to an experimental binary. 1.2.2 will see this fixed
but may take some time, e.g. until another translation comes in.

I would advise Debian to not include the --enable-experimental option in
the configure call for this package. The code for those parts receives
too little attention to be let loose on the masses, imho. That is the
reason why I don't enable building those parts by default.


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