Hi all, Deb(?) just added me to this list, so *waves* and all that.
Looks like this list is just getting off the ground (I looked at the
archives and there's not much there) so I hope I'm not jumping in to
the middle of something inappropriately.
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:37 AM, Mary-Anne Wolf <address@hidden> wrote:
I have been thinking about a logo for this effort.
If we took the picture of a GNU used by FSF
added lipstick, eye shadow, and mascara,
replace the beard by a string of pearls,
and replaced the horns by a feminine hat,
with a flower sticking up from the hat,
I think that would convey the idea.
I ... am not a big fan of this idea. Most women in free software do
not adhere to traditionally feminine styles of dress/grooming -- I
have seen very few wearing makeup let alone pearls at free software
events -- and I think this sort of appearance would be alienating to
many of us.
I don't want to seem negative, so I guess I should suggest an
alternative. I googled for logos that use women and I like the sort
of idea in these:
That is, if a logo is necessary at all at this stage.