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Fwd: 2021 summary

From: Rafael Fontenelle
Subject: Fwd: 2021 summary
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2022 08:45:12 -0300

Veja mensagem da Coordenação de Tradução do GNUweb com resumo do ano de 2021.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Ineiev <ineiev@gnu.org>
Date: sáb, 1 de jan de 2022 04:13
Subject: 2021 summary
To: <trans-coord-discuss@gnu.org>

Hash: SHA256

Dear GNU translators!

This year, the total number of new translations was approximately
like in 2020, but their mean size was almost twice as large.
Nearly every third new translation was made in the Brazilian
Portuguese team; the Albanian and ("Traditional") Chinese teams
made four times more translations than in 2020.

      General Statistics

In October, we reached new maximum values of translations per file
in important directories, 9.32 translations per file (0.4 more
than in 2020) and 8.39 translations weighted with size of articles
(0.15 more than in 2020).

The percent of outdated translations was considerably higher
than in 2020, mostly due to more commits this year.

The table below shows the number and size of newly translated
articles in important directories (as of 2021-12-31) and
typical number of outdated GNUNified translations throughout
the year.

|  es    |  17 (146.6Ki)  |  2.5 (1%)  |
|  fr    |   5 (237.0Ki)  |  3.0 (1%)  |
|  it    |   7 ( 56.0Ki)  |  50 (37%)  |
|  ja    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  30 (21%)  |
|  ml    |   1 ( 53.2Ki)  |  21 (63%)  |
|  pl    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  54 (37%)  |
|  pt-br |  49 (1227.3Ki) |  36 (17%)  |
|  ru    |   8 (238.6Ki)  |  3.0 (1%)  |
|  sq    |  34 (308.7Ki)  | 3.0 (6.6%) |
|  tr    |  21 (279.6Ki)  | 4.4 (3.5%) |
|  zh-cn |  11 (334.7Ki)  | 6.7 (4.3%) |
|  zh-tw |  10 (168.1Ki)  |  23 (51%)  |
| total  | 163 (3049.8Ki) |

For the reference: 5 new articles were added, amounting to 237Ki
(one of them was proprietary/all.html, about 130Ki, consisting
mostly of entries already present in other pages from proprietary/),
and there were over 1000 changes in about 300 English files
in the important directories.

Like in 2020, few translations were converted to the gettext format,
so that column is missing this year.  Among the active teams, only
the ("Traditional") Chinese team has translations to convert
(15 files, 228.6Ki), and the total number of unconverted translations
is 55 (1062.8Ki).

      Orphaned Teams, New and Reformed Teams

The ("Traditional") Chinese team changed its leader.  The Farsi
team was re-established in May, but no commits in www have followed
yet.  Korean, Serbian, Ukrainian teams were declared inactive
(no commits for more than 3 years).  The Italian team
is re-organizing.

There were unsuccessful attempts to establish or resurrect teams
for Hindi, Arabic, Malay, Finnish, Catalan.

      Changes in the Page Regeneration System

GNUN had two releases this year, 1.1 and 1.2, the most important
changes were in validation procedures: the SSI expansion was made
closer to Apache behavior, the DTD was updated to remove obsolete
elements and add new attributes.

Happy GNU year, and thank you for your contributions!

(I see nothing secret in this message, so if you think it may be
interesting to people who are not subscribed to the list, please
feel free to forward it).


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