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[Xlog-discussion] Bugfix release (xlog-0.7beta6)

From: Joop Stakenborg
Subject: [Xlog-discussion] Bugfix release (xlog-0.7beta6)
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 01:57:23 +0200

The new beta is here, full changelog:

  * Setting of the free fields in the log-editor now works correctly,
    fixed a segfault.
  * Debian recommends tetex-base and tetex-extra.
  * RPC rig can now be used. The device entry in the preferences dialog now 
    free entry, so you can use "localhost" for the port (or any other host).
  * There was a bug in saving of the preferences. Fixed.
  * Added a scrollbar to the left pane, so the DXCC frame won't get scrambled.
  * You can now use a '#' character in the remarks field.
  * Fixed a crash when clicking on the MHz button and no information is 
    from the rig, done some additional error checking on rig the information.
  * Fixed ADIF import.

Pse download at http://auric.debian.org/~pa3aba/xlog-0.7beta6.tar.gz

I'll be back in 2 weeks, see you for another xlog episode!


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