Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
40years | GNU Project 40th Anniversary |
a2ps | Announcements and discussion about GNU a2ps |
a2ps-commit | [no description available] |
a2ps-patches | a2ps patch submissions. |
Accessibility | [no description available] |
adhoc | GNU Ad HoC, a set of m4 macros to generate general-purpose portable shell scripts. |
Af-test | [no description available] |
am-meeting | LibrePlanet conference mailing list |
Anastasis | Discussions around GNU Anastasis |
apps-gnustep | For discussion related specifically to GNUstep applications. |
archimedes-discuss | bug reports, enhancements, general discussion of GNU Archimedes. |
Archiver-bug | [no description available] |
Archiver-devel | [no description available] |
Artanis | [no description available] |
Aspell-announce | [no description available] |
Aspell-devel | The New Aspell Develpment Mailing List |
Aspell-user | Help with using and installing GNU Aspell and general discussion. |
association | [no description available] |
auctex | General discussion about AUCTeX |
auctex-commit | CVS commit logs for AUCTeX |
auctex-devel | Discussion list for AUCTeX developers |
auctex-diffs | Complete diffs for CVS commits of AUCTeX |
Audio-video | [no description available] |
Autoconf | Discussion list for the autoconf build system |
autoconf-archive-announce | Receive announcments of new releases. |
autoconf-archive-commits | E-mail notifications for the Autoconf Archive git repository. |
autoconf-archive-maintainers | Autoconf Archive Shop Talk |
Autoconf-commit | Commits to the Autoconf git repository |
Autoconf-patches | Patches for autoconf - the GNU build system |
autoconf-prs | Autoconf problem reports. |
Autogen-announce | [no description available] |
Automake | Discussion list for automake |
automake-commit | git commit notices for Automake |
Automake-ng | An experimental fork of automake that targets GNU make only |
automake-patches | Patches for Automake |
autonomous-discuss | [no description available] |
autotools-announce | Announcements about Autotools releases and test releases. |
Banned | Banned iPhone developers |
Bash-announce | Announcements concerning the Bourne-Again SHell |
Bash-bear-trap | [no description available] |
Bayonne-desktop | gnome desktop telephony |
Bayonne-devel | For GNU Bayonne developers |
Bayonne-testing | [no description available] |
Behistun | [no description available] |
Behistun-advocacy | [no description available] |
Behistun-analysis | [no description available] |
Behistun-asariamas | [no description available] |
Behistun-news | [no description available] |
Behistun-patches | [no description available] |
Behistun-regression | [no description available] |
Bino-list | [no description available] |
Bison-Announce | Bison Release Announcements |
bison-patches | Bug fixes and other improvements to Bison |
BPEL2oWFN-bug | Bug report list for GNU BPEL2oWFN |
bug-a2ps | Bug reports for a2ps, the GNU any to PostScript filter |
Bug-acm | [no description available] |
bug-alive | [no description available] |
Bug-anastasis | List for reporting bugs in GNU Anastasis |
Bug-anubis | Bug reports for GNU Anubis |
Bug-apl | Bugs and suggestions for GNU APL |
Bug-aris | [no description available] |
Bug-artanis | [no description available] |
bug-auctex | Bug reporting list for AUCTeX |
Bug-autoconf | Bug reports for autoconf |
Bug-autogen | [no description available] |
bug-automake | Bug reports for Automake |
bug-avl | GNU libavl mailing list |
Bug-ballandpaddle | General Ball and Paddle List for development/improvement |
Bug-barcode | [no description available] |
bug-bash | Bug reports for the GNU Bourne Again SHell |
Bug-bayonne | Bayonne Bug Reports |
Bug-behistun | [no description available] |
bug-binutils | GNU binutils bug reports |
bug-bison | Bug reports for Bison, the GNU parser generator |
bug-c-graph | Talk about C-Graph: development, bugs, features, and more |
bug-ccd2cue | GNU ccd2cue bug reporting |
bug-cflow | Bug reports for GNU cflow |
bug-cgicc | Bug reports for cgicc, the GNU C++ CGI library |
Bug-classpath | Bug reports for the GNU Classpath project |
Bug-combine | GNU Combine development discussion and bug reports |
Bug-commoncpp | Bug reports for Common C++ |
Bug-coreutils | GNU coreutils Bug Reports |
Bug-cpio | Bug reports for GNU cpio |
bug-cppi | [no description available] |
bug-CSSC | Discussion of GNU CSSC, a clone of SCCS |
bug-dap | Bug reports for dap stats and graphics |
Bug-datamash | Questions, Discussions and bug reports for GNU Datamash |
bug-ddd | Bug reports for the GNU DDD graphical debugger frontend |
Bug-ddrescue | Bug reports for ddrescue, data recovery tool. |
Bug-dejagnu | [no description available] |
bug-diffutils | All diffutils discussion. |
bug-dumb | Bug reports for GNU DUMB, a free Doom engine |
Bug-easejs | [no description available] |
bug-ed | GNU ed bug reports, suggestions, general discussion. |
Bug-edma | GNU EDMA Bug Reporting List |
bug-enscript | Bug reports for GNU Enscript |
Bug-fdisk | Discussion of GNU fdisk. |
Bug-ferret | [no description available] |
bug-findutils | Bug reports for the GNU find utilities |
Bug-fisicalab | [no description available] |
Bug-foliot | [no description available] |
Bug-freedink | discuss GNU FreeDink |
Bug-ftpsync | [no description available] |
Bug-fussy | [no description available] |
Bug-g-golf | [no description available] |
Bug-gama | Bug reports for GNU Gama |
bug-gawk | Bug reports only for gawk. |
Bug-gcal | [no description available] |
Bug-gengetopt | Bug reports for gengetopt |
bug-gettext | GNU gettext discussion list |
bug-gforth | [no description available] |
Bug-ggradebook | Bug reports for GNU Gradebook |
bug-ghostscript | Bug reports and development for GNU GhostScript, the PostScript interpreter of the GNU project |
bug-GIFT | the buglist for the GNU Image Finding Tool |
Bug-glean | [no description available] |
Bug-global | Bug reports for GNU GLOBAL |
Bug-glpk | Bug reports for GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) |
Bug-gm | [no description available] |
Bug-gnash | [no description available] |
Bug-gnats | Bug reports for GNATS, the GNU bug tracking system |
Bug-gnu-chess | Bug reports for GNU Chess |
Bug-gnu-electric | Bug reports for the GNU Electric CAD system |
bug-gnu-emacs | Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors |
bug-gnu-libiconv | Bug reports for GNU libiconv |
Bug-gnu-pw-mgr | GNU Password Manager |
Bug-gnu-radius | Bug reports for GNU Radius |
bug-gnu-shogi | Bug reports for GNU Shogi |
bug-gnu-smalltalk | Bug reports for the GNU implementation of Smalltalk |
bug-gnu-utils | Bug reports for the GNU utilities |
bug-gnuastro | GNU Astronomy Utilities Bug reports |
bug-gnubatch | Discussion of bugs in GNUbatch |
Bug-gnubg | Bug reports for and general discussion about GNU Backgammon. |
Bug-gnuboot | GNU Boot bug reports |
Bug-gnucap | Bug reports for gnucap |
Bug-GnuCOBOL | GnuCOBOL bug reports and bug fixes |
Bug-gnucomm | GNUCOMM Developers List |
Bug-gnudos | Bug reports for GnuDOS |
Bug-gnukart | Main project mailing list |
bug-gnulib | Gnulib discussion list |
Bug-GNUnet | Report bugs in GNUnet |
Bug-gnupod | GNUpod users and developers discussion list |
bug-gnuspool | Bug reports for GNUspool |
Bug-gnustep | Bug reports for the GNUstep programming environment |
bug-gnutrition | Bug reports, including development and enhancement requests, for GNUtrition |
bug-gnuzilla | GNUzilla bug reports |
bug-goptical | [no description available] |
bug-gperf | Bug reports for GNU gperf |
bug-gplusplus | Bug reports for the GNU C++ compiler |
bug-grep | Bug reports for GNU grep |
bug-groff | GNU roff typesetting system ticket traffic |
Bug-grub | Bug reports for the GRand Unified Bootloader |
Bug-gsl | Bug reports for the GNU Scientific Library |
bug-gsrc | Discussion of the gsrc activity. |
bug-gtypist | To discuss and send bug reports, wishes and lessons for GNU Typist |
bug-guile | Bug reports for GUILE, GNU's Ubiquitous Extension Language |
Bug-guile-cv | [no description available] |
Bug-guile-llama-cpp | bug report mailing list for guile-llama-cpp |
Bug-guile-ncurses | [no description available] |
bug-Guix | Bug reports for GNU Guix |
bug-gv | bug reports for gv |
Bug-gwl | [no description available] |
bug-gzip | GNU gzip discussion and bug reports. |
bug-hello | GNU Hello bugs and discussion. |
bug-httptunnel | Bug reports for GNU Httptunnel |
Bug-hurd | Bug reports for the GNU Hurd |
Bug-hyperbole | [no description available] |
bug-idutils | GNU idutils mailing list |
bug-indent | GNU indent discussion, bug reports, suggestions. |
bug-inetutils | Bug reports for the GNU Internet utilities |
bug-inklingreader | [no description available] |
Bug-isofsmk | [no description available] |
Bug-jel | Distributes bug reports, bug fixes and suggestions for improvements to the active maintainers of GNU JEL. |
Bug-jwhois | [no description available] |
Bug-kawa | [no description available] |
bug-lib-gplusplus | Bug reports for the GNU C++ standard library |
bug-libextractor | bug reports for libextractor |
bug-libmatheval | Bug reports for the GNU libmatheval. |
Bug-librefm | [no description available] |
Bug-librejs | [no description available] |
bug-libsigsegv | Bug reports for GNU libsigsegv |
bug-libtool | Bug reports for the GNU libtool shared library maintenance tool |
bug-libunistring | Bug reports for GNU libunistring |
Bug-libxmi | Bug reports for the GNU libxmi 2-D scan-conversion library. |
bug-lilypond | LilyPond Bug Reports |
Bug-liquidwar6 | Reporting bugs to Liquid War 6, a unique multiplayer wargame |
bug-m4 | Bug reports for the GNU m4 macro processor |
Bug-mailutils | Bug reports and feature requests for GNU mailutils |
Bug-make | Bug reports and discussion for GNU make |
Bug-marst | [no description available] |
Bug-mcron | mcron bug reports |
Bug-mcsim | bug reports for GNU MCSim |
bug-mdk | MIX Development Kit bug list |
bug-mes | Bug reports for GNU Mes |
Bug-metahtml | [no description available] |
Bug-mifluz | [no description available] |
bug-miscfiles | All aspects of GNU Miscfiles. |
Bug-MIT-Scheme | [no description available] |
Bug-moe | Bug reports for moe, a console text editor. |
Bug-motti | [no description available] |
bug-mpria | Bug reports for the GNU MPRIA Library |
Bug-mumi | Bug reports for GNU Guix Mumi. |
bug-myserver | [no description available] |
Bug-ncurses | Bug reports for ncurses, the GNU implementation of curses |
Bug-ocrad | Bug reports for ocrad, the GNU OCR program. |
bug-oleo | Bug reports for the GNU Oleo spreadsheet program |
bug-panorama | Bug reports for GNU Panorama, a framework for 3D graphics |
Bug-parallel | bug reports for GNU parallel |
bug-parted | Bug reports for the GNU Parted disk partition editor |
bug-patch | Bug reports, suggestions, general discussion for GNU patch. |
Bug-plotutils | Bug reports for the GNU plotting utilities, including the libplot graphics export library. |
Bug-powerguru | [no description available] |
Bug-prolog | Bug reports for the GNU implementation of Prolog |
Bug-proxyknife | Bug reports for the GNU Customizable Proxy Hunter |
Bug-pyconfigure | [no description available] |
bug-rcs | Bug reports for the GNU Revision Control System |
Bug-readline | Bug reports for GNU readline library |
bug-recutils | GNU recutils development list |
bug-rottlog | rottlog bug and user discussion |
bug-sather | Bug reports for the GNU Sather language |
Bug-sed | [no description available] |
bug-serveez | Bug reports for the GNU serveez |
Bug-shmm | [no description available] |
Bug-SnakeCharmer | The buglist for SnakeCharmer, the GIFT's JAVA interface |
Bug-spacechart | [no description available] |
Bug-sqltutor | [no description available] |
Bug-ssw | [no description available] |
bug-standards | Feedback on the GNU Coding Standards. |
Bug-stow | Bug reports for GNU Stow |
Bug-sysutils | [no description available] |
bug-tar | Bug reports for GNU Tar |
Bug-teseq | Discussion list for GNU Teseq |
bug-texinfo | Bug reports for the GNU Texinfo documentation system |
Bug-texmacs | [no description available] |
Bug-time | Discussions and bug reports for GNU Time |
bug-unrtf | Bug reports for the GNU UnRTF |
Bug-uucp | [no description available] |
bug-vc-dwim | vc-dwim is a version-control-agnostic ChangeLog diff and commit tool |
bug-vcdimager | [no description available] |
bug-vmgen | [no description available] |
Bug-wget | Primary discussion list for GNU Wget |
Bug-womb | [no description available] |
Bug-XBoard | XBoard and WinBoard bugs |
Bug-xnee | Report error/bugs in Xnee |
Bug-xorriso | Bug reports and support requests for GNU xorriso |
Bug-zile | [no description available] |
Bugs-fm | [no description available] |
Build-inetutils | [no description available] |
Ccaudio-devel | For GNU ccAudio developers |
ccd2cue | GNU ccd2cue help and support |
Ccrtp-devel | For GNU ccRTP developers |
ccscript-devel | GNU ccScript developers list |
Cgicc-bug | [no description available] |
Cgicc-help | [no description available] |
Cgicc-info | [no description available] |
Classpath | Discussion of the implementation of GNU Classpath libraries |
Classpath-inetlib | [no description available] |
Classpath-patches | Patch submissions and discussions for GNU Classpath |
Classpath-testresults | GNU Classpath (automatic) test results |
classpathx | [no description available] |
Classpathx-crypto | [no description available] |
classpathx-javamail | [no description available] |
Commit-classpath | Automatic administrative message (CVS, bugs, regressions). |
commit-cvs-utils | [no description available] |
commit-gnue | Commit notices for GNU Enterprise project |
Commit-gnuradio | Notifications of git commits for GNU Radio |
commit-grub | CVS commit notices for the GRand Unified Bootloader |
Commit-hurd | CVS commit notices for the GNU Hurd |
Commit-inetutils | CVS commit notices for the GNU Internet utilities |
Commit-mailutils | Commit notices for GNU mailutils |
commit-womb | [no description available] |
config-patches | Patches for the config.guess and config.sub scripts |
Consensus | Toward a GNU Consensus on Free Software for Social Networking |
coreutils | GNU coreutils General Discussion |
coreutils-announce | announcements about the GNU coreutils |
cssc-users | Mailing list for users of GNU CSSC |
Dbd-signup | [no description available] |
ddd | Discussion list for DDD, the GNU graphical debugger front end |
Decotengu-devel | [no description available] |
DejaGnu | The GNU Regression Testing Framework |
Dejagnu-commit | The Gnu Regression Framework CVS Commits |
Denemo-devel | User *and* developer discussion of Denemo |
Denemo-user | [no description available] |
dev-serveez | Developers list for the GNU serveez |
devel-panorama | Developers list for Panorama, the GNU framework for 3D graphics |
Diffutils-devel | [no description available] |
directory-discuss | [no description available] |
Discuss-gnu-electric | Discussion list for the GNU Electric CAD system |
Discuss-gnu-gvb | [no description available] |
Discuss-gnuradio | GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio |
Discuss-gnustep | Discussion list for the GNUstep programming environment |
doc-gnuradio | [no description available] |
Dominion-discuss | [no description available] |
Dotgnu-announce | [no description available] |
Dotgnu-general | [no description available] |
Dotgnu-libjit | [no description available] |
Dotgnu-pnet | [no description available] |
dotgnu-pnet-commits | DotGNU Portable.Net CVS commits list |
Dotgnu-sc | [no description available] |
Dr-Geo | Dr. Geo, the GNU interactive geometry software |
Edu-fr | Liste générale (not only) francophone de promotion et d'information. |
Edu-it | Il Software Libero nella Scuola e nell'insegnamento |
emacs-bidi | Discussion of Emacs support for multi-directional text. |
Emacs-bug-tracker | Automated messages from the bug tracker at |
Emacs-build-automation | Discussions about automated building and testing of Emacs |
Emacs-buildstatus | [no description available] |
Emacs-devel | Emacs development discussions. |
Emacs-diffs | Mailing list for Emacs changes |
Emacs-elpa-diffs | [no description available] |
emacs-erc | General discussion about ERC |
Emacs-gc-stats | Mailing list for reporting garbage collection statistics |
Emacs-humanities | Discussions about using Emacs in the Humanities and related fields |
Emacs-orgmode | General discussions about Org-mode. |
Emacs-tangents | Emacs news and miscellaneous discussions outside the scope of other Emacs mailing lists |
emacsconf-discuss | General discussion about EmacsConf |
emacsconf-org | EmacsConf organizers |
Emms-help | [no description available] |
epsilon-devel | a list to discuss the development of GNU epsilon and GNU Jitter |
Erc-announce | ERC Announcements |
Erc-commit | [no description available] |
Fencepost-users | [no description available] |
Findutils-patches | Patch submission list for GNU findutils |
Flossspeakher | FLOSS Speaking opportunities and training resources, plus conversation about increasing said opportunities and resources |
Fm-announce | [no description available] |
Fm-discuss | [no description available] |
Foliot-user | [no description available] |
fontutils-bugs | GNU fontutils bug reports. |
fontutils-commits | Commits to the source repository. |
Freedink-maintainers | [no description available] |
Freefont-announce | News about free UCS scalable fonts |
Freefont-bugs | Free UCS scalable fonts development |
Freeipmi-devel | Developers' discussion list for FreeIPMI |
Freetalk-dev | [no description available] |
fsf-community-team | FSF Community Team |
fsf-membercard-announce | FSF Bootable USB Member Card Announcements |
fsf-shop | Customers of the Free Software Foundation shop |
Fsfe-uk | Free Software and the United Kingdom |
Fsffr-oppose | [no description available] |
Fsfwww-translators-ru-discuss | [no description available] |
Fsukgov | Free Software in UK Government |
Ftba-commits | [no description available] |
Ftp-upload-report | [no description available] |
Ftpsync | [no description available] |
gash-devel | Discuss the development of Gash |
gawk-diffs | Commits to the source repository. |
Gcl-commits | [no description available] |
Gcl-devel | [no description available] |
Gcl-users | [no description available] |
Gforth | Gforth discussion and announcements |
GG-Network | GNU Network Group discussions |
ggradebook-devel | [no description available] |
Ghm-discuss | Public discussion about GNU Hackers Meetings |
Glean | [no description available] |
Global-commit | [no description available] |
Gm-devel | A list for GNU Messenger development. |
Gm-users | [no description available] |
GMediaServer-devel | GMediaServer development |
Gnash | Gnash - The GNU Flash player |
Gnash-commit | Gnash CVS commit messages |
Gnats-commit | CVS commit messages |
Gnats-diffs | [no description available] |
Gnats-prs | Copies of bug tracking system messages |
Gnatsweb-commit | Gnatsweb CVS commit notifications |
Gneuralnetwork | Announcements and news about Gneural Network |
Gnowsys-bug | Gnowsys bug report list |
Gnowsys-help | GNOWSYS users list. |
Gnowsys-info | [no description available] |
Gnu-c++-standards | [no description available] |
gnu-crypto-announce | project release announcements |
gnu-crypto-discuss | [no description available] |
gnu-emacs-sources | GNU Emacs source code postings and patches |
Gnu-html-info | [no description available] |
gnu-misc-discuss | General GNU project and free software discussions |
gnu-system-discuss | Discussions about the development of the GNU system |
gnu40attendees | Attendee information for the 40 years of GNU event in Biel |
Gnuae-commit | for Git commit messages to GnuAE |
Gnuastro-commits | Commits to the Gnuastro Git repository |
Gnuastro-devel | GNU Astronomy Utilities Developers discussions |
Gnubatch-2-discuss | Discussion of the next release of GNUbatch |
GNUBoot | General discussion on GNU Boot |
Gnuboot-announce | GNU Boot low volume project official communication (announcements of new versions and other official communication). |
Gnuboot-patches | Where to send patches for review. |
Gnucap-devel | Developers list for gnucap. |
GnuCOBOL-Messages | message strings and translation issues for GnuCOBOL |
GnuCOBOL-users | List for general questions, user-oriented topics and announcements. |
Gnucomm-privacy | GNU Communication Privacy |
gnugeneration-announce | GNU Generation Announcements |
Gnugeneration-discuss | GNU Generation Discussion |
gnugo-announce | GNU Go announcements |
gnugo-devel | GNU Go development |
gnuit-dev | gnuit development/bugs/help |
gnulib-tool-py | [no description available] |
Gnumed-bugs | [no description available] |
Gnumed-devel | [no description available] |
Gnump3d-devel | [no description available] |
Gnump3d-users | [no description available] |
GNUnet-developers | Mailinglist for GNUnet developers |
GNUnet-SVN | Diffs from the GNUnet Subversion Repository |
gnurobots | GNU Robots |
Gnuschool-help | [no description available] |
Gnushogi-devel | [no description available] |
Gnushogi-users | [no description available] |
gnuspeech-contact | Communication about gnuspeech in general. |
gnustandards-commit | commits to the gnustandards repository. |
Gnustep-cvs | GNUstep commit log |
Gnustep-dev | Developers list for GNUstep, the GNU groupware evironment |
Gnustep-webmasters | Comments and discussion about GNUstep web pages |
gnutrition | General discussion on GNUtrition |
gnutrition-commits | Commit notifications |
gnutrition-devel | Discussion about GNUtrition's development |
gnuzilla-dev | GNUzilla development discussions |
Goptical | [no description available] |
Gpaint-develop | [no description available] |
Gpaint-list | [no description available] |
Gpaint-user | [no description available] |
Gprofng-gui-devel | [no description available] |
Graphics-volunteers | [no description available] |
grep-commit | CVS commit notices for GNU grep |
Grep-devel | [no description available] |
groff | GNU roff typesetting system discussion |
groff-commit | GNU roff typesetting system development log |
Grub-devel | The development of GNU GRUB |
gsl-cvs | CVS commits for the GNU Scientific Library |
Gsrc-commit | [no description available] |
Gtick-devel | gtick-devel |
Gugve-project | GNU Venezuela |
Guile-commits | Notifications of commits to the Guile repository |
guile-cvs | automated commit mail for guile. |
guile-devel | Developers list for Guile, the GNU extensibility library |
Guile-llama-cpp | guile-llama-cpp generau; user discussion list |
Guile-matrix-devel | Design and implementation of guile-matrix |
Guile-rpc-bugs | Bug reports and discussions around GNU Guile-RPC |
guile-sources | Guile source code postings and patches |
guile-user | General Guile related discussions |
Guix-ci | [no description available] |
Guix-commits | [no description available] |
Guix-devel | Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution. |
guix-europe | [no description available] |
Guix-patches | [no description available] |
Guix-Science | [no description available] |
GWANNO | Mailing list for GNU enthusiasts in North-West UK |
gwl-devel | [no description available] |
Gxmessage | [no description available] |
halifax-bugs | a list that is likely to not be used |
halifax-discuss | list with general discussions about GNU HaliFAX |
Health | General GNU Health discussion and help |
Health-announce | GNU Health events and release announcements |
Health-dev | [no description available] |
Health-es | GNU Health en Español |
Health-fr | [no description available] |
Health-i18n | GNU Health localization |
Health-it | [no description available] |
Health-pt | [no description available] |
Health-security | GNU Health Security advisories (read-only) |
help-3dldf | For users to help each other with questions about 3DLDF. |
Help-acm | [no description available] |
Help-autogen | usage and installation help |
Help-ballandpaddle | [no description available] |
Help-bash | [no description available] |
Help-behistun | [no description available] |
help-bison | Users list for the GNU Bison parser generator |
help-cfengine | Users list for GNU cfengine |
help-cgicc | Users list for cgicc, the GNU C++ CGI class library |
help-debbugs | General discussion for the tracker at |
Help-easejs | General help and discussion of GNU ease.js. |
Help-edma | Help on GNU EDMA |
help-emacs-windows | Discussion forum for users of the GNU Emacs port to Windows |
Help-ferret | GNU Ferret users mailing list |
Help-fussy | [no description available] |
Help-gawk | [no description available] |
Help-gengen | Users list for gengen |
Help-gengetopt | Users list for gengetopt |
help-ggradebook | [no description available] |
help-GIFT | Helping you to run or hack the GIFT |
Help-global | Users list for GNU GLOBAL |
Help-glpk | Users list for GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) |
help-gnat | Users list for GNAT, the GNU Ada implementation |
Help-gnats | General discussion about GNU GNATS |
help-gnu-emacs | Users list for the GNU Emacs text editor |
Help-gnu-radius | Users list for the GNU Radius project |
help-gnu-utils | Users list for the GNU utilities |
help-gnuastro | GNU Astronomy Utilities user help and discussion |
help-gnubatch | Help for GNUbatch users and installers |
Help-gnucap | Users help list for gnucap. |
help-gnucomm | Users list for the GNUCOMM telecomms proect |
Help-gnudos | [no description available] |
Help-gnunet | Peer-to-Peer networking with GNUnet |
help-gnuspool | Help for GNUspool users |
Help-gnustep | Users list for the GNUstep programming environment |
help-gnutrition | General user help relating to GNUtrition |
help-gnuzilla | Users list for the GNUzilla project |
help-gplusplus | Users list for the GNU C++ compiler |
Help-grub | Support requests for the GRand Unified Bootloader |
Help-gsasl | Discussion list for GNU Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) |
Help-gsl | Users list for GNU Scientific Library (GSL) help |
Help-gslip | [no description available] |
Help-gss | Discussion list for GNU Generic Security Service |
Help-Guix | [no description available] |
help-gv | requests and discussion for gv |
Help-gwl | [no description available] |
Help-hurd | Users list for the GNU Hurd |
Help-jel | This list is the place for users and installers of GNU JEL to ask for help. |
Help-jtw | [no description available] |
Help-libidn | Discussion list for GNU Internationalized Domain Name library (Libidn) |
Help-librejs | [no description available] |
Help-libtasn1 | Discussion list for GNU Libtasn1 |
Help-liquidwar6 | Main discussion list for Liquid War 6, a unique multiplayer wargame |
Help-make | Users list for the GNU implementation of make |
Help-marst | [no description available] |
Help-maverik | [no description available] |
Help-mcron | Get help on mcron from the user community |
Help-mcsim | help line for GNU MCSim |
Help-motti | [no description available] |
Help-nano | Help list for the nano editor. |
Help-ncurses | Users list for the GNU implementation of curses |
Help-octave | Help list for GNU Octave |
help-panorama | Users list for the GNU Panorma 3D graphics framework |
Help-pyconfigure | [no description available] |
help-rcs | Users list for the GNU Revision Control System |
help-recutils | [no description available] |
help-serveez | Users list for the GNU serveez |
Help-shishi | Discussion list for GNU Shishi |
Help-shmm | [no description available] |
help-smalltalk | Users mailing list for the GNU Smalltalk environment |
Help-snacc | Users list for SNACC - the Sample Neufeld ASN.1 Compiler to C/C++ |
Help-SnakeCharmer | Help for SnakeCharmer, the GIFT's JAVA interface |
Help-source-highlight | discussion list for source-highlight |
Help-stow | [no description available] |
help-tar | Help requests for GNU Tar |
help-texinfo | Users list for the Texinfo documentation system |
Help-VCDImager | Users list for GNU VCDImager |
help-vmgen | Discuss vmgen |
Help-websocket4j | [no description available] |
Help-zile | [no description available] |
hfdb | Hardware Freedom Database |
Hitweb-dev | Projet hitweb |
Howto-kickstart | For contributions to the RedHat Kickstart HOWTO document |
Hurd-devel-readers | A public subscription version of hurd-devel |
Hurdfr-paris | [no description available] |
hydra-users | Discussion of Hydra builds of GNU packages. |
Hyperbole-users | User list for GNU Hyperbole |
Ignuit | Discussion list for users of ignuit. |
info-3dldf | For the maintainer of GNU 3DLDF to send announcements to users. |
info-auctex | Announcements about AUCTeX |
Info-bayonne | Announcements for the GNU Bayonne telephony system |
Info-behistun | [no description available] |
info-cgicc | Announcements for cgicc, the GNU C++ CGI library |
Info-chinese | [no description available] |
Info-digitalspeech | Announcement list for the Digital Speech Project. |
Info-easejs | Release announcements for ease.js |
Info-edma | General Info about GNU EDMA |
Info-gama | Annoucements and discussion about GNU Gama |
Info-gengen | Announcements about gengen |
Info-gengetopt | Announcements about gengetopt |
Info-global | Announcements about GNU GLOBAL |
Info-gnats | GNU GNATS announcements |
info-gnu | Announcements and Requests for Help from the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation |
Info-gnu-chess | Announcements and discussions about GNU Chess |
Info-gnu-emacs | Announcements and progress reports for GNU Emacs |
info-gnu-fortran | Announcements and progress reports for GNU Fortran |
Info-gnu-radius | Annoncements and progress reports for GNU Radius. |
info-gnu-shogi | Announcements and discussion for users of GNU Shogi |
info-gnuastro | GNU Astronomy Utilities Announcements |
Info-gnucap | Announcements for gnucap. |
Info-gnucomm | Announcement list for the GNUCOMM project. |
info-GNUnet | GNUnet announcements |
Info-gnuprologjava | [no description available] |
info-gnus-english | Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English) |
Info-gnustep | Announcements and progress reports for the GNUstep programming environment |
info-gnutrition | Announcements about GNUtrition -- this is a low volume list |
Info-gpaint | [no description available] |
info-groff | announcements regarding the GNU roff typesetter |
Info-gsl | Announcements for the GNU Scientific Library |
Info-gslip | [no description available] |
Info-guile-llama-cpp | guile-llama-cpp announcement list |
Info-guix | Low-traffic mailing list for announcements to Guix users. |
info-gv | gv announcements |
info-libredwg | Announcements for LibreDWG. |
Info-librejs | [no description available] |
Info-lilypond | Lilypond announcements (moderated) |
Info-liquidwar6 | Announcements about LiquidWar 6, a unique multiplayer wargame |
Info-mcron | Announcements about the mcron package |
Info-mcsim | general announcements on GNU MCSim |
Info-motti | [no description available] |
Info-mtools | [no description available] |
Info-nano | announcements for nano |
info-sather | Announcements and discussions about the GNU Sather object oriented language |
Info-shmm | [no description available] |
Info-source-highlight | This is a read-only list |
Info-stow | Announcements list for GNU Stow |
Info-VCDImager | Announcements and progress reports for GNU VCDImager |
Info-womb | [no description available] |
Info-xnee | Xnee announcement list. |
inklingreader-discuss | [no description available] |
Jacal-discuss | Discuss JACAL and its use |
Jami | Discussion list for GNU Jami |
Javaweb-discuss | [no description available] |
Javaweb-submit | address to send the FSF free java code |
Js-extensions-discussion | [no description available] |
Jtw | [no description available] |
Kawa-commonlisp-dev | [no description available] |
L4-hurd | Discussion about the future direction of the GNU Hurd |
language-experts | [no description available] |
libc-maintainers | The GNU C Library Stewards (GNU package maintainers) |
Libcdio-devel | libcdio developer's mailing list |
Libcdio-help | Forum for getting help on using libcdio |
Libcdio-pycdio-devel | Python libcdio development corner |
Libcvs-spec-dev | [no description available] |
Libdbh | [no description available] |
Liberty-eiffel | [no description available] |
libextractor | libextractor discussion and development |
Libffcall | [no description available] |
libjit | Everything related to libjit |
libmicrohttpd | libmicrohttpd development and user mailinglist |
libredwg | General discussion and developer's list for LibreDWG |
LibrePlanet-HT | [no description available] |
Libtool | Discussion list for the GNU libtool shared library maintenance tool |
libtool-commit | CVS commit notices for the GNU libtool shared library maintenance tool |
Libtool-patches | Patch submission list for the GNU libtool shared library maintenance tool |
Libtool-security | Libtool security concerns |
Lightning | [no description available] |
Lilypond-auto | Automated messages for lilypond development |
Lilypond-cvs | lilypond CVS commit messages |
lilypond-devel | Discussions on LilyPond development |
lilypond-es | Lista de usuarios de LilyPond en español - LilyPond Spanish-speaking list |
Lilypond-it | [no description available] |
lilypond-user | LilyPond user discussion |
lilypond-user-fr | Liste de diffusion francophone autour de LilyPond |
Lims | [no description available] |
Lims-dev | [no description available] |
Linux-c1 | Linux kernel meets Sony Vaio C1 laptops |
M4-announce | [no description available] |
M4-commit | git commit notices for GNU m4 |
m4-discuss | Discussion list for the GNU M4 |
M4-patches | Patch submission list for GNU M4 |
Mailutils-i18n | [no description available] |
Make-alpha | Discussion list for GNU make alpha testers and developers |
Make-commits | Information about commits to the make CVS archive |
Make-w32 | Discussion of Windows-specific issues with GNU make |
Mediagoblin-devel | [no description available] |
Mediagoblin-userops | [no description available] |
Metahtml-devel | [no description available] |
Mh-e-announce | [no description available] |
Mh-e-devel | [no description available] |
Mh-e-users | [no description available] |
Mifluz-dev | Mifluz Development mailing list |
MIT-Scheme-announce | Announcements regarding MIT Scheme |
MIT-Scheme-devel | developer list for MIT Scheme |
MIT-Scheme-users | Discussion list for users of MIT Scheme |
myserver-commit | [no description available] |
Nano-devel | Development discussions. |
Network | [no description available] |
Network-activism | [no description available] |
Network-announce | [no description available] |
Network-discuss | [no description available] |
newconfig | [no description available] |
Nomad-patches | [no description available] |
Octave-bug-tracker | [no description available] |
Octave-buildbot | [no description available] |
Octave-maintainers | Discussion List for GNU Octave Maintainers |
Octave-patch-tracker | [no description available] |
Octave-task-tracker | [no description available] |
Oleo-discuss | Discussion list for the GNU Oleo spreadsheet program |
Openoffice-extensions-discuss | Discussion advancing the creation of a list of free software extensions |
osip-dev | osip/exosip mailing list |
Parallel | GNU Parallel Discussion |
patch-commit | [no description available] |
pem | For anything and everything about GNU Pem |
planet | GNU Planet team |
platform-testers | Announcements of prereleases available for testing on multiple platforms |
Playfreedom-announce | [no description available] |
playogg-discuss | [no description available] |
poke-devel | Development of GNU poke |
Powerguru | [no description available] |
Powerguru-commit | [no description available] |
proofreaders | GNU documentation proofreaders list |
PSPP-announce | PSPP announcements |
Pspp-commits | [no description available] |
pspp-dev | PSPP Developer discussions |
Pspp-users | PSPP user discussion |
psychosynth-devel | [no description available] |
psychosynth-user | [no description available] |
Pythonwebkit-dev | [no description available] |
Radius-commit | [no description available] |
Radius-espanol | Traducci�n del Manual GNU Radius al Espa�ol |
Radius-i18n | Internationalization of GNU Radius |
remotecontrol | Bug reports and all discusion for GNU remotecontrol |
Replacementforms-discuss | [no description available] |
Repo-criteria-discuss | [no description available] |
Reproduce-cost | Reproducible paper template discussions |
Reproduce-devel | [no description available] |
rpge-bug | [no description available] |
rpge-devel | [no description available] |
Rt-users | Invite only list for users of |
savannah-announce | Low-volume notifications of important issues and changes at Savannah |
savannah-cvs | [no description available] |
Savannah-help-public | Use |
Savannah-hackers-public | Discussions among Savannah Hackers, open subscription |
savannah-hackers-tests | [no description available] |
Savannah-help-private | Savannah help requests that need to be confidential. |
Savannah-register-public | Project submissions and reviews notifications |
Savannah-users | Discussion of savannah-announce and any user-oriented topic |
Scm-discuss | [no description available] |
screen-devel | Screen development |
screen-users | General GNU Screen discussion |
Security-discuss | GNU security discussions |
Sed-devel | [no description available] |
Sipwitch-devel | Development and support for GNU SIP Witch |
Skel | Skeleton GNU/Linux discussion |
Slib-discuss | The SLIB Scheme library |
Slib-units | Discuss Currency and Metric Interchange Formats |
Soc-projects-admins | [no description available] |
Soc-projects-mentors | [no description available] |
Social | [no description available] |
social-boston | [no description available] |
Social-design | [no description available] |
Social-discuss | GNU social discussion and help |
Social-mediagoblin | [no description available] |
Social-mentoring | [no description available] |
Social-neat | [no description available] |
Social-p2p | distributed, privacy-enhanced, user-controlled social networking |
Social-status | [no description available] |
Social-volunteers | [no description available] |
Solfege-announce | [no description available] |
Solfege-devel | [no description available] |
Speech-reco | [no description available] |
stalkerfs-bug | Bug reports for GNU stalkerfs |
stalkerfs-commit | [no description available] |
stalkerfs-discuss | Discussion list for GNU stalkerfs |
Stow-devel | [no description available] |
Stump-users | General discussion of STUMP, the newsgroup robomoderator |
summer-of-code | [no description available] |
Sv-migration | [no description available] |
Taler | Taler |
Taler-es | GNU Taler for Spanish speakers |
Taler-news | Newsletter about NGI TALER |
Tar-commit | Commit notices for GNU Tar |
Testing123 | [no description available] |
Testlist3 | [no description available] |
texinfo-commits | archiving commits to the Texinfo sources. |
Texmacs-dev | TeXmacs developer mailing list |
Texmacs-doc-cvs | Automatic notifications from texmacs-doc CVS |
Texmacs-edu | [no description available] |
Texmacs-patch | Notifications from Savannah's patch manager. |
thales-announce | GNU Thales announcements |
thales-misc | General discussion about GNU Thales |
Tramp-devel | [no description available] |
Trans-coord-devel | GNUnited Nations development |
Trans-coord-logs | Logs from official and development GNUN builds |
trans-coord-news | mailing list of news translators for the whatsnew pages |
Trans-coord-pootle-private | Administration list of GNU Pootle server |
Traverso-devel | [no description available] |
unifont | [no description available] |
Users-prolog | Users list for the GNU implementation of Prolog |
Uucp-general | General Taylor UUCP mailing list. |
VCDImager-GUI-devel | discussion of GUI development issues |
Viewmail-maintainers | Maintainers and package managers of VM, public but limited general interest |
W3-announce | Announcements about Emacs/W3 |
W3-dev | [no description available] |
Wb-discuss | Discuss WB and its use |
wdiff-bugs | Bug reports for and general discussion about GNU wdiff |
wdiff-dev | Coordination of wdiff development |
Web-hurd | Working on web pages about the GNU Hurd |
Wget-dev | Public discussion list for GNU Wget development |
Wget-libwarc | [no description available] |
which-bugs | for all discussion relating to GNU which. |
widget-announce | [no description available] |
womeninfreesoftware | Discussion re: increasing women's participation in free software |
Www-bn-translators | [no description available] |
wwwcat-traductors | Traductors al català de la plana de GNU |
www-commits | [no description available] |
Web-translators-de | [no description available] |
www-el-commits | List for monitoring cvs commits of the www-el repository. |
www-el-translators | List for www-el project's translation volunteers. |
Www-eo-tradukado | [no description available] |
www-fa-general | GNU Persian/Farsi Translation Team |
www-hr-lista | [no description available] |
www-it-traduzioni | Traduzioni italiane delle pagine di |
www-ja-translators | website Japanese Translation Team |
www-ko-translators | Korean GNU translation team |
Www-malware-commits | Automatic notifications for changes in |
www-ml-gnu-malayalam-project-public | The GNU Malayalam Project public mailing list. |
Www-nl-translators | Lijst voor voor vertalers naar het nederlands van GNU artikelen. |
www-pl-announce | [no description available] |
www-pl-trans | [no description available] |
www-pt-br-general | GNU web Brazilian Portuguese translation team |
www-ru-list | The list of GNU Russian translation team |
www-sq-translation | Listë diskutimesh mbi përkthimet Shqip të sajtit |
Www-sr-dev | Развојно ДД пројекта преводаа на српски језик |
www-wwwta-gnu-tamil-site | [no description available] |
www-zh-cn-authors | [no description available] |
www-zh-cn-hackers | [no description available] |
www-zh-cn-translators | gnuctt |
Www-zh-tw-translators | [no description available] |
XBoard-devel | XBoard and WinBoard developers |
XmlAT | [no description available] |
Xnee-devel | [no description available] |
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