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Re: [AUCTeX-devel] auto-loads.el in

From: Ikumi Keita
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX-devel] auto-loads.el in
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 23:14:38 +0900

>>>>> David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:
> Ouch.  Having looked at the code and at the shell manual again, I
> wrote complete nonsense.  Sorry for causing you all that work.  I
> checked something into the CVS (untested, though), that should work
> better.

Hmm, again the same error... BSD make is stubborn.

I found that the error is signaled at the following code in autoload.el,
at least with my Emacs 21.4:

      (or (> (buffer-size) 0)
          (error "Autoloads file %s does not exist" buffer-file-name))

So I modified in the following way and it seems to work
out. In this way, emacs never signals error and everything goes
smoothly even without bash.

--- Tue May 17 22:33:44 2005
+++ Tue May 17 22:43:40 2005
@@ -134,7 +134,9 @@
 auto-loads.el: $(AUCSRC) $(COMPILE_MULE) Makefile
        test X$(packagedir) != Xno || { \
          rm -f $@ ; \
-         $(ELCC) $(AUTOLOAD) $(AUCSRC); \
+         echo ";; Auto-generated part of tex-site.el" > $@ ; \
+         echo "" >> $@ ; \
+         $(ELCC) $(AUTOLOAD) $(AUCSRC) $(COMPILE_MULE) ; \
          test -r $@ || { \
            echo ";; Auto-generated part of tex-site.el" > $@ ; \
            echo "" >> $@ ; \

This is the session log. 

% make
test Xno != Xno || {  rm -f auto-loads.el ;  echo ";; Auto-generated part of 
tex-site.el" > auto-loads.el ;  echo "" >> auto-loads.el ;  
/usr/local/bin/emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -no-init-file -l lpath.el --eval 
'(let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "auto-loads.el")))  (mapcar 
(function update-file-autoloads) command-line-args-left)  
(save-buffers-kill-emacs t))' tex.el tex-buf.el tex-style.el latex.el 
tex-info.el  texmathp.el multi-prompt.el tex-mik.el font-latex.el tex-font.el  
context.el context-en.el context-nl.el tex-fold.el  toolbar-x.el tex-bar.el 
tex-jp.el ;  test -r auto-loads.el || {  echo ";; Auto-generated part of 
tex-site.el" > auto-loads.el ;  echo "" >> auto-loads.el ;  
/usr/local/bin/emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -no-init-file -l lpath.el --eval 
'(let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "auto-loads.el")))  (mapcar 
(function update-file-autoloads) command-line-args-left)  
(save-buffers-kill-emacs t))' tex.el tex-buf.el tex-style.el latex.el 
tex-info.el  texmathp.el multi-prompt.el tex-mik.el font-latex.el tex-font.el  
context.el context-en.el context-nl.el tex-fold.el  toolbar-x.el tex-bar.el 
tex-jp.el ;  } ;  }
Generating autoloads for tex.el...
Generating autoloads for tex.el...done
Generating autoloads for tex-jp.el...
Generating autoloads for tex-jp.el...done
Wrote /home/keita/scr/auctex/auto-loads.el

Best regards,

Ikumi Keita

Oops, contains a line
SHELL = /bin/sh
in its body. So adding the line
SHELL = /usr/local/bin/bash
to the top of it didn't help anyway. I should have done "grep" rather
than "head" in my last mail...

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