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Re: [PATCH 1/3] Let it byte compile even with GNU Emacs 29.3

From: Arash Esbati
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/3] Let it byte compile even with GNU Emacs 29.3
Date: Wed, 08 May 2024 17:13:34 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Hi Werner,

"Dr. Werner Fink" <> writes:

> normally with every update of AUCTeX or TeXlive I do within a clean
> chroot with full TeXLive tree a scan of all style files via
> TeX-auto-generate-global ...

This is a dangerous operation; AUCTeX is known to produce sub-optimal
(not to say gibberish) when auto-parsing .sty files.  For an example of
what can happen, have look at this report:

I think the issue was that Debian does the same thing above and the
auto-parsed bibentry.el actually messed up the AUCTeX setup for the one

> ```
> %if %{with tex4auto}
>         pwd
>         echo "Run the command TeX-auto-generate-global in mini buffer"
>         emacs-gtk -batch -Q -L %{buildroot}%{_sitedir}/auctex                 
>   \
>             --eval '(setq TeX-lisp-directory "%{buildroot}%{_aucdir}")'       
>   \
>             --eval '(setq TeX-auto-global "%{buildroot}%{_aucdir}/auto")'     
>   \
>             -l %{buildroot}%{_sitedir}/tex-site.el -f TeX-auto-generate-global
>         exit 1
> %else
> ```
> and collect this in an addon tar ball, now
> auctex-13.3-auto-TL-2024.tar.xz .

Is this something (open)suse offers for download and usage?  If so, I
would vote for dropping this practice, the usual end of story is that we
recommend people not use the tarballs provided by distros and install
the ELPA version (see above).

> Without this `ignore-errors' several scaned files causes errors. I had
> added those `ignore-errors' step by step means broken scan by broken
> scan to catch all of them :)

Got it.  Can you point me to the offending files?  If the AUCTeX parser
was fooled by valid LaTeX code, we should try to fix AUCTeX instead of
just silencing the errors.  `LaTeX-xparse-macro-parse' was the function
in question.

> The addon tar ball will then installed without any scan at install
> time.  This saves time in our build system here as this step is done
> only once.

See above.  And while we're at: Do I understand correctly that you
maintain the AUCTeX package for (open)suse?  (Sorry, I lost track about
what suse and/or opensuse do and what the differences are.)

> Yep it broken the dinbrief calls handling, means the default
> environment was not "letter" nor the code in dinbrief.el ask the user
> for intput.

Thanks, I installed that change.

> OK your point ... here our setup T1 is the default but this is not
> common indeed.

To be honest, I'm not happy with being too smart and add stuff into a
file where a user then start deleting it.  What do you think about
deleting all those additions, so people can insert whatever they really

> Should I change the patch?

Yes, that would be great, if you agree with the suggestion above.

Best, Arash

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