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Re: [AUCTeX] MikTex and Auctex 11.85; tex-auto-global and style-path

From: Ralf Angeli
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] MikTex and Auctex 11.85; tex-auto-global and style-path
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 09:38:27 +0200

* Sivaram Neelakantan (2008-03-30) writes:

> [sivaram@/cygdrive/c/gnu/elisp/auctex-11.85]
> $ echo $PATH
> /cygdrive/c/MiKTeX2.7/miktex/bin:c:/MiKTeX2.7/miktex/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/cygdrive/c/MiKTeX2.7/miktex/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program
> Files/ThinkPad/Utilities:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:

Are you sure the "c:" part will work?

> $./configure --with-emacs=c:/gnu/emacs-22.1/bin/emacs --disable-preview 
> --with-texmf-dir=c:/MiKTeX-2.7/miktex/tex/ --prefix=c:/gnu/ 
> --with-auto-dir=c:/gnu/emacs-22.1/site-lisp/ 
> --with-lispdir=c:/gnu/emacs-22.1/site-lisp/

The setting of --with-auto-dir is not a good idea.  Style files should
_not_ be in `load-path'.

> This works and I'm able to generate pdfs without any issues though the
> log, C-c C-l has those unsightly ^Ms.
> While trying to insert a graphic, the C-c RET macro was not bringing
> includegraphics option.
> 1.  I had the graphicx package defined and so did a C-c C-n.  That didn't work

When you load the file, do you see in the *Messages* buffer graphicx.el
being loaded?

Are there any errors in the *Messages* buffer after starting Emacs or
loading a LaTeX file?

> 2.  Checking google and checking the following vars
> TeX-auto-global value is  "c:/usr/local/var/auctex"
> TeX-auto-private value is nil
> TeX-style-global is "c:/gnu/elisp/auctex/style"
> TeX-style-path is ("style" "auto" "c:/gnu/elisp/auctex/style" 
> "c:/usr/local/var/auctex")

Isn't "c:/gnu/elisp/" the directory where you keep the AUCTeX sources?
Did you actually run `make' and `make install'?

> Try as I might, I'm not able to make configure, generate a Makefile
> which will make the style path point to the site-lisp under
> Emacs-22.1.  What am I doing wrong?

Does this mean the "c:/gnu/elisp/" stuff is in the Makefile?  Could you
perhaps send the part of the Makefile where the variables like `prefix'
and `styledir' are defined?


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