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[AUCTeX] 2009-03-01; Can't use C-c = anymore with cvs Refte

From: Damien Cassou
Subject: [AUCTeX] 2009-03-01; Can't use C-c = anymore with cvs Refte
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 05:55:18 -0700 (PDT)


In a LaTeX file, when I press C-c = to get the toc, I get an error
message instead. The stack trace follows.

I've just installed Reftex from CVS. Using Reftex coming with Emacs
works perfectly. I've reproduced the bug in a clean environment:

$ emacs-snapshot --no-init-file --no-site-file

followed by a number of M-: to load reftex, auctex and to link them:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/cassou/.emacs.d/local/reftex")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/cassou/.emacs.d/local/auctex")
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
(setq-default TeX-master nil)
(require 'reftex)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)
(load "auctex.el" nil t t)

Can you help me please?

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  re-search-forward(nil 210 t)
136) [some uncopiable bytecode]
[file master-dir file-found buf docstruct reftex-keep-temporary-buffers
reftex-locate-file "tex" reftex-get-buffer-visiting buffer-file-name
file-error throw exit nil message "Scanning file %s"
reftex-get-file-buffer-force t bof syntax-table ((set-syntax-table
saved-syntax)) set-syntax-table 1 re-search-forward reftex-label-info
reftex-match-string 3 0 92 -1 reftex-section-info 5 "Scanning %s %s ..."
rassoc 6 7 delq mapcar #[(x) " \"" [x include-file string-match] 3]
reftex-parse-from-file 9 reftex-init-section-numbers appendix 10
reftex-index-info add-to-list index-tags 11 match-data ((byte-code "\""
[save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) ...] 7)
(("sec:architectural-style" "s" "description of the layers. definitions.
chronological presentation of the component types, methodolo"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" nil) (toc "toc" "     
2.2 Architectural Style"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" #<marker at 5157 in
gpce2009.tex> 3 "2.2" "\\subsection{Architectural Style}" 5157) (toc "toc" "  Evolution" "/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex"
#<marker at 5050 in gpce2009.tex> 5 "" "\\paragraph{Evolution}" 5050)
(toc "toc" " Deployment"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" #<marker at 5026 in
gpce2009.tex> 5 "" "\\paragraph{Deployment}" 5026) (toc "toc" " Test/simulation"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" #<marker at 4997 in
gpce2009.tex> 5 "" "\\paragraph{Test/simulation}" 4997) (toc "toc" "  Implementation"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" #<marker at 4969 in
gpce2009.tex> 5 "" "\\paragraph{Implementation}" 4969) (toc "toc" "  Design" "/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex"
#<marker at 4940 in gpce2009.tex> 5 "" "\\paragraph{Design}" 4940)
("sec:development-cycle" "s" "design, then generate, then implement and
design again. see figure \\ref{fig:iterativeProcess}. talk "
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" nil) (toc "toc" "     
2.1 Development Cycle"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" #<marker at 4727 in
gpce2009.tex> 3 "2.1" "\\subsection{Development Cycle}" 4727)
("sec:overview" "s" "\\emph{3 columns} \\subsection{Development Cycle} 
design, then generate, then implement and design ag"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" nil) (toc "toc" "   
2 Overview" "/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex"
#<marker at 4668 in gpce2009.tex> 2 "2" "\\section{Overview}" 4668)
("sec:approach" "s" "leverages on above partial solutions through generative
programming. its declarative and domain spec"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" nil) (toc "toc" "     
1.3 Approach/Contribution/Propal/Claim"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" #<marker at 4254 in
gpce2009.tex> 3 "1.3" "\\subsection{Approach/Contribution/Propal/Claim}"
4254) ("sec:solutions-exist" "s" "partial solutions. explain why all these
are partial. link these solutions with the earlier problems"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" nil) (toc "toc" "     
1.2 Solutions exist"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" #<marker at 3808 in
gpce2009.tex> 3 "1.2" "\\subsection{Solutions exist}" 3808)
("sec:ubiq-very-diff" "s" "\\begin{itemize} "
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" nil) (toc "toc" "     
1.1 Ubiquitous is very difficult"
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" #<marker at 3492 in
gpce2009.tex> 3 "1.1" "\\subsection{Ubiquitous is very difficult}" 3492)
("sec:introduction" "s" "\\emph{4 columns} \\subsection{Ubiquitous is very
difficult}  \\begin{itemize} "
"/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex" nil) (toc "toc" "   
1 Introduction" "/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex"
#<marker at 3425 in gpce2009.tex> 2 "1" "\\section{Introduction}" 3425)
("fig:#3" "f" "#4" "/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex"
nil) (bof "/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/gpce2009.tex"))
 [file master-dir file-found buf docstruct reftex-keep-temporary-buffers
reftex-locate-file "tex" reftex-get-buffer-visiting buffer-file-name
file-error throw exit nil message "Scanning file %s"
reftex-get-file-buffer-force t bof syntax-table ((set-syntax-table
saved-syntax)) set-syntax-table 1 re-search-forward reftex-label-info
reftex-match-string 3 0 92 -1 reftex-section-info 5 "Scanning %s %s ..."
rassoc 6 7 delq mapcar #[(x) " \"" [x include-file string-match] 3]
reftex-parse-from-file 9 reftex-init-section-numbers appendix 10
reftex-index-info add-to-list index-tags 11 match-data ((byte-code "\""
[save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) ...] 7)
nil "/home/cassou/Documents/these/gpce2009-svn/")
  byte-code("  \n#*ć" [from-file docstruct master-dir
((reftex-kill-temporary-buffers)) reftex-parse-from-file] 4)
  reftex-do-parse(1 nil)
  call-interactively(reftex-toc nil nil)

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.16.1)
 of 2009-04-24 on iridium, modified by Debian
Package: 2009-03-01

current state:
 window-system 'x
 reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX nil

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