#lang at-exp racket/base #| This first time this is loaded, it loads all of DrRacket and invokes the main unit, starting up DrRacket. After that, it just provides all of the names in the tools library, for use defining keybindings |# (require racket/class racket/gui/base racket/unit racket/contract racket/class ;; these have to be absolute requires for `include-extracted' ;; to work with this file. drracket/private/link drracket/private/drsig drracket/private/language-object-contract framework framework/splash mrlib/switchable-button scribble/srcdoc) (require (for-syntax racket/base)) (require/doc drracket/private/ts ;; probably this also has to be an absolute require racket/base scribble/manual) (require/doc (for-label errortrace/errortrace-key racket/pretty mzlib/pconvert)) (define-values/invoke-unit/infer drracket@) (provide-signature-elements drracket:tool-cm^) ;; provide all of the classes & interfaces (provide-signature-elements drscheme:tool-cm^) ;; provide the classes & interfaces w/ drscheme: prefix (provide drracket:unit:program-editor-mixin) (define-syntax (drracket:unit:program-editor-mixin stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ a ...) #'((drracket:unit:get-program-editor-mixin) a ...)] [_ #'(drracket:unit:get-program-editor-mixin)])) (language-object-abstraction drracket:language:object/c #t) (define-syntax (provide/dr/doc stx) (let* ([munge-id (λ (stx) (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol (regexp-replace #rx"^drracket:" (symbol->string (syntax-e stx)) "drscheme:")) stx))] [defthings (syntax-case stx () [(_ case ...) (map (λ (case) (with-syntax ([(id ctc) (syntax-case case (proc-doc/names proc-doc) [(proc-doc/names id ctc . stuff) (identifier? #'id) #'(id ctc)] [(proc-doc id ctc . stuff) (identifier? #'id) #'(id ctc)] [_ (raise-syntax-error 'provide/dr/doc "unknown thing" case)])]) (with-syntax ([mid (munge-id #'id)]) #'(thing-doc mid ctc ("This is provided for backwards compatibility; new code should use " (scheme id) " instead."))))) (syntax->list #'(case ...)))])]) (syntax-case stx () [(_ rst ...) #`(provide/doc #,@defthings rst ...)]))) (provide/dr/doc (proc-doc/names drracket:module-language-tools:add-opt-out-toolbar-button (-> (-> (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>) (is-a?/c area-container<%>) (is-a?/c switchable-button%)) symbol? void?) (make-button id) @{Call this function to add another button to DrRacket's toolbar. When buttons are added this way, DrRacket monitors the @tt{#lang} line at the top of the file; when it changes DrRacket queries the language to see if this button should be included. These buttons are ``opt out'', meaning that if the language doesn't explicitly ask to not have this button (or all such buttons), the button will appear. See @racket[read-language] for more details on how language's specify how to opt out. DrRacket will invoke the @tt{get-info} proc from @racket[read-language] with @indexed-scheme['drscheme:opt-out-toolbar-buttons]. If the result is a list of symbols, the listed symbols are opted out. If the result is @racket[#f], all buttons are opted out. The default is the empty list, meaning that all opt-out buttons appear. }) (proc-doc/names drracket:module-language:add-module-language (-> any) () @{Adds the module language to DrRacket. This is called during DrRacket's startup.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:module-language:module-language-put-file-mixin (-> (implementation?/c text:basic<%>) (implementation?/c text:basic<%>)) (super%) @{Extends @racket[super%] by overriding the @method[editor<%> put-file] method to use a default name from the buffer, if the buffer contains something like @tt{(module name ...)}.}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ; ;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ;;;;; ; ; ; ; (proc-doc/names drracket:eval:set-basic-parameters (-> (listof (is-a?/c snip-class%)) void?) (snipclasses) @{sets the parameters that are shared between the repl's initialization and @racket[drracket:eval:build-user-eventspace/custodian] Specifically, it sets these parameters: @itemize[ @item{@racket[current-namespace] has been set to a newly created empty namespace. This namespace has the following modules copied (with @racket[namespace-attach-module]) from DrRacket's original namespace: @itemize[@item{@racket['mzscheme]}@item{@racket['mred]}] } @item{@racket[read-curly-brace-as-paren] is @racket[#t]; } @item{@racket[read-square-bracket-as-paren] is @racket[#t];} @item{@racket[error-print-width] is set to 250;} @item{@racket[current-ps-setup] is set to a newly created @racket[ps-setup%] object;} @item{the @racket[exit-handler] is set to a parameter that kills the user's custodian; and} @item{the snip-class-list, returned by @racket[get-the-snip-class-list] is initialized with all of the snipclasses in DrRacket's eventspace's snip-class-list.}]}) (proc-doc/names drracket:eval:get-snip-classes (-> (listof (is-a?/c snip-class%))) () @{Returns a list of all of the snipclasses in the current eventspace.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:eval:expand-program (-> (or/c port? drracket:language:text/pos?) drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? boolean? (-> void?) (-> void?) (-> (or/c eof-object? syntax? (cons/c string? any/c)) (-> any) any) void?) (input language-settings eval-compile-time-part? init kill-termination iter) @{Use this function to expand the contents of the definitions window for use with external program processing tools. This function uses @racket[drracket:eval:build-user-eventspace/custodian] to build the user's environment. The arguments @racket[language-settings], @racket[init], and @racket[kill-termination] are passed to @racket[drracket:eval:build-user-eventspace/custodian]. The @racket[input] argument specifies the source of the program. The @racket[eval-compile-time-part?] argument indicates if @racket[expand] is called or if @racket[expand-top-level-with-compile-time-evals] is called when the program is expanded. Roughly speaking, if your tool will evaluate each expression itself by calling @racket[eval] then pass @racket[#f]. Otherwise, if your tool just processes the expanded program, be sure to pass @racket[#t]. This function calls @method[drracket:language:language<%> front-end/complete-program] to expand the program. Unlike when the @onscreen{Run} is clicked, however, it does not call @method[drracket:language:language<%> front-end/finished-complete-program]. The first argument to @racket[iter] is the expanded program (represented as syntax) or eof. The @racket[iter] argument is called for each expression in the expanded program and once more with eof, unless an error is raised during expansion. It is called from the user's thread. If an exception is raised during expansion of the user's program, @racket[iter] is not called. Consider setting the exception-handler during @racket[init] to handle this situation. The second argument to @racket[iter] is a thunk that continues expanding the rest of the contents of the definitions window. If the first argument to @racket[iter] was eof, this argument is just the primitive @racket[void]. See also @racket[drracket:eval:expand-program/multiple].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:eval:traverse-program/multiple (drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? (-> void?) (-> void?) . -> . ((or/c port? drracket:language:text/pos?) ((or/c eof-object? syntax? (cons/c string? any/c)) (-> any) . -> . any) boolean? . -> . void?)) (language-settings init kill-termination) @{This function is similar to @racket[drracket:eval:expand-program/multiple] The only difference is that it does not expand the program in the editor; instead the processing function can decide how to expand the program.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:eval:expand-program/multiple (-> drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? boolean? (-> void?) (-> void?) (-> (or/c port? drracket:language:text/pos?) (-> (or/c eof-object? syntax? (cons/c string? any/c)) (-> any) any) boolean? void?)) (language-settings eval-compile-time-part? init kill-termination) @{This function is just like @racket[drracket:eval:expand-program] except that it is curried and the second application can be used multiple times. Use this function if you want to initialize the user's thread (and namespace, etc) once but have program text that comes from multiple sources. The extra boolean argument to the result function determines if @racket[drracket:language:language front-end/complete-program<%>] or @racket[drracket:language:language front-end/interaction<%>] is called.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:eval:build-user-eventspace/custodian (->* (drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? (-> void?) (-> void?)) () (values eventspace? custodian?)) ((language-settings init kill-termination) ()) @{This function creates a custodian and an eventspace (on the new custodian) to expand the user's program. It does not kill this custodian, but it can safely be shutdown (with @racket[custodian-shutdown-all]) after the expansion is finished. It initializes the user's eventspace's main thread with several parameters: @itemize[ @item{ @racket[current-custodian] is set to a new custodian. }@item{ In addition, it calls @racket[drracket:eval:set-basic-parameters]. }] The @racket[language-settings] argument is the current language and its settings. See @racket[drracket:language-configuration:language-settings] for details on that structure. If the program is associated with a DrRacket frame, get the frame's language settings from the @method[drracket:unit:definitions-text<%> get-next-settings] method of @racket[drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>]. Also, the most recently chosen language in the language dialog is saved via the framework's preferences. Apply @racket[preferences:get] to @racket[drracket:language-configuration:get-settings-preferences-symbol] for that @racket[language-settings]. The @racket[init] argument is called after the user's parameters are all set, but before the program is run. It is called on the user's thread. The @racket[current-directory] and @racket[current-load-relative-directory] parameters are not set, so if there are appropriate directories, the @racket[init] argument is a good place to set them. The @racket[kill-termination] argument is called when the main thread of the eventspace terminates, no matter if the custodian was shutdown, or the thread was killed. This procedure is also called when the thread terminates normally. This procedure is called from a new, dedicated thread (@italic{i. e.}, not the thread created to do the expansion, nor the thread that @racket[drracket:eval:build-user-eventspace/custodian] was called from.)}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;;; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ;; ; ;;;; ; ;; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; (proc-doc/names drracket:debug:error-display-handler/stacktrace (->* (string? any/c) ((or/c false/c (listof srcloc?)) #:definitions-text (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>)) #:interactions-text (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) ) any/c) ((msg exn) ((stack #f) (defs #f) (ints #f))) @{Displays the error message represented by the string, adding embellishments like those that appears in the DrRacket REPL, specifically a clickable icon for the stack trace (if the srcloc location is not empty), and a clickable icon for the source of the error (read & syntax errors show their source locations and otherwise the first place in the stack trace is shown). If @racket[stack] is false, then the stack traces embedded in the @racket[exn] argument (if any) are used. Specifically, this function looks for a stacktrace via @racket[errortrace-key] in the continuation marks of @racket[exn] and @racket[continuation-mark-set->context]. If @racket[stack] is not false, that stack is added to the stacks already in the exception. This should be called in the same eventspace and on the same thread as the error.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:debug:make-debug-error-display-handler (-> (-> string? (or/c any/c exn?) any) (-> string? (or/c any/c exn?) any)) (oedh) @{This function implements an error-display-handler in terms of another error-display-handler. See also Racket's @racket[error-display-handler] parameter. If the current-error-port is the definitions window in DrRacket, this error handler inserts some debugging annotations, calls @racket[oedh], and then highlights the source location of the runtime error. It looks for both stack trace information in the continuation marks both via the @schememodname[errortrace/errortrace-key] module and via @racket[continuation-mark-set->context]. }) (proc-doc/names drracket:debug:hide-backtrace-window (-> void?) () @{Hides the backtrace window.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:debug:add-prefs-panel (-> void?) () @{Adds the profiling preferences panel.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:debug:open-and-highlight-in-file (->* ((or/c srcloc? (listof srcloc?))) ((or/c #f (cons/c (λ (x) (and (weak-box? x) (let ([v (weak-box-value x)]) (or (not v) (is-a?/c v editor<%>))))) number?))) void?) ((debug-info) ((edition-pair #f))) @{This function opens a DrRacket to display @racket[debug-info]. Only the src the position and the span fields of the srcloc are considered. The @racket[edition-pair] is used to determine if a warning message is shown when before opening the file. If the @racket[edition-pair] is not @racket[#f], it is compared with the result of @method[text:basic<%> get-edition-number] of the editor that is loaded to determine if the file has been edited since the source location was recorded. If so, it puts up a warning dialog message to that effect.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:debug:show-backtrace-window/edition-pairs (-> string? (listof srcloc?) (listof (or/c #f (cons/c (λ (x) (and (weak-box? x) (let ([v (weak-box-value x)]) (or (not v) (is-a?/c v editor<%>))))) number?))) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>)) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) void?) (error-message dis editions-pairs defs ints) @{Shows the backtrace window you get when clicking on the bug in DrRacket's REPL. The @racket[error-message] argument is the text of the error, @racket[dis] is the debug information, extracted from the continuation mark in the exception record, using @racket[errortrace-key]. The @racket[editions] argument indicates the editions of any editors that are open editing the files corresponding to the source locations The @racket[defs] argument should be non-@racket[#f] if there are possibly stacktrace frames that contain unsaved versions of the definitions window from DrRacket. Similarly, the @racket[ints] argument should be non-@racket[#f] if there are possibly stacktrace frames that contain unsaved versions of the interactions window. Use @racket[drracket:rep:current-rep] to get the rep during evaluation of a program. }) (proc-doc/names drracket:debug:show-backtrace-window (->* (string? (or/c exn? (listof srcloc?) (non-empty-listof (cons/c string? (listof srcloc?))))) ((or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>))) void?) ((error-message dis) ((rep #f) (defs #f))) @{Shows the backtrace window you get when clicking on the bug in DrRacket's REPL. This function simply calls @racket[drracket:debug:show-backtrace-window/edition-pairs], using @racket[drracket:debug:srcloc->edition/pair]. }) (proc-doc/names drracket:debug:srcloc->edition/pair (-> srcloc? (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) (or/c #f (is-a?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>)) (or/c #f (cons/c (let ([weak-box-containing-an-editor? (λ (x) (and (weak-box? x) (let ([v (weak-box-value x)]) (or (not v) (is-a?/c v editor<%>)))))]) weak-box-containing-an-editor?) number?))) (srcloc ints defs) @{Constructs a edition pair from a source location, returning the current edition of the editor editing the source location (if any). The @racket[ints] and @racket[defs] arguments are used to map source locations, in the case that the source location corresponds to the definitions window (when it has not been saved) or the interactions window. }) ; ; ; ; ;; ;; ;;; ;; ; ;; ;; ;; ;; ; ;; ;; ;; ;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;; ;; ; ;; ;; ;;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ; ;; ; ; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;; ; ;; ;; ;;; ; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;; ; ; ;; ;; ;; ; ;; ;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;; ; ;; ; ;; ; ;; (proc-doc/names drracket:help-desk:help-desk (->* () ((or/c #f string?) (or/c #f string? (list/c string? string?))) any) (() ((search-key #f) (search-context #f))) @{if @racket[search-key] is a string, calls @racket[perform-search] with @racket[search-key] and @racket[search-context]. Otherwise, calls @racket[send-main-page] with no arguments.}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; (proc-doc/names drracket:unit:get-program-editor-mixin (-> ((subclass?/c text%) . -> . (subclass?/c text%))) () @{Returns a mixin that must be mixed in to any @racket[text%] object that might contain program text (and thus can be in the source field of some syntax object). See also @racket[drracket:unit:add-to-program-editor-mixin].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:unit:add-to-program-editor-mixin (((subclass?/c text%) . -> . (subclass?/c text%)) . -> . void?) (mixin) @{@phase[1] Adds @racket[mixin] to the result of @racket[drracket:unit:get-program-editor-mixin].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:unit:open-drscheme-window (case-> (-> (is-a?/c drracket:unit:frame%)) ((or/c string? false/c) . -> . (is-a?/c drracket:unit:frame%))) (() (filename)) @{Opens a DrRacket frame that displays @racket[filename], or nothing if @racket[filename] is @racket[#f] or not supplied.}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;; ;;; ;; ; ;;; ;;; ; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ;; ; ;;;; ;;; ; ; ; (proc-doc/names drracket:modes:add-mode (string? (or/c false/c (is-a?/c mode:surrogate-text<%>)) ((is-a?/c drracket:rep:text%) number? . -> . boolean?) ((or/c false/c (listof string?)) . -> . boolean?) . -> . drracket:modes:mode?) (name surrogate repl-submit matches-language) @{Adds a mode to DrRacket. Returns a mode value that identifies the mode. The first argument, @racket[name], is the name of the mode, used in DrRacket's GUI to allow the user to select this mode. The @racket[surrogate] argument is set to the definitions text and the interactions text (via the @racket[mode:host-text set-surrogate<%>] method) whenever this mode is enabled. The @racket[repl-submit] procedure is called whenever the user types a return in the interactions window. It is passed the interactions editor and the position where the last prompt occurs. If it returns @racket[#t], the text after the last prompt is treated as a program fragment and evaluated, according to the language settings. If it returns @racket[#f], the text is assumed to be an incomplete program fragment, and the keystroke is not treated specially. The @racket[matches-language] predicate is called whenever the language changes. If it returns @racket[#t] this mode is installed. It is passed the list of strings that correspond to the names of the language in the language dialog. Modes are tested in the opposite order that they are added. That is, the last mode to be added gets tested first when the filename changes or when the language changes. See also @racket[drracket:modes:get-modes].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:modes:mode? (any/c . -> . boolean?) (val) @{Determines if @racket[val] is a mode.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:modes:get-modes (-> (listof drracket:modes:mode?)) () @{Returns all of the modes currently added to DrRacket. See also @racket[drracket:modes:add-mode].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:modes:mode-name (drracket:modes:mode? . -> . string?) (mode) @{Extracts the name of the mode. See also @racket[drracket:modes:add-mode].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:modes:mode-surrogate (drracket:modes:mode? . -> . (or/c false/c (is-a?/c mode:surrogate-text<%>))) (mode) @{Extracts the surrogate of the mode. See also @racket[drracket:modes:add-mode].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:modes:mode-repl-submit (drracket:modes:mode? . -> . any) (mode) @{Extracts the repl submission predicate of the mode. See also @racket[drracket:modes:add-mode].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:modes:mode-matches-language (drracket:modes:mode? . -> . ((or/c false/c (listof string?)) . -> . boolean?)) (mode) @{Extracts the language matching predicate of the mode. See also @racket[drracket:modes:add-mode].}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; (proc-doc/names drracket:rep:get-welcome-delta (-> (is-a?/c style-delta%)) () @{Returns a style delta that matches the style and color of the phrase ``Welcome to'' in the beginning of the interactions window.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:rep:get-dark-green-delta (-> (is-a?/c style-delta%)) () @{Returns a style delta that matches the style and color of the name of a language in the interactions window.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:rep:get-drs-bindings-keymap (-> (is-a?/c keymap%)) () @{Returns a keymap that binds various DrRacket-specific keybindings. This keymap is used in the definitions and interactions window. Defaultly binds C-x;o to a function that switches the focus between the definitions and interactions windows. Also binds f5 to Execute and f1 to Help Desk.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:rep:current-rep (-> (or/c false/c (is-a?/c drracket:rep:text%))) () @{This is a parameter whose value should not be set by tools. It is initialized to the repl that controls this evaluation in the user's thread. It only returns @racket[#f] if the program not running in the context of a repl (eg, the test suite window).}) (proc-doc/names drracket:rep:current-value-port (-> (or/c false/c port?)) () @{This is a parameter whose value is a port that prints in the REPL in blue. It is used to print the values of toplevel expressions in the REPL. It is only initialized on the user's thread.}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;;; ;;;; ; ;;; ; ; ;;;; ;;; ; ;; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ;;;; ;; ; ;;;; ; ; ;; ;;;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:extend-tab (case-> ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:tab<%>) . -> . void?) ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:tab<%>) boolean? . -> . void?)) ((mixin) (mixin before?)) @{This class implements the tabs in DrRacket. One is created for each tab in a frame (each frame always has at least one tab, even if the tab bar is not shown) The argument, @racket[before], controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying @racket[#t].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:extend-interactions-text (case-> ((make-mixin-contract drracket:rep:text<%>) . -> . void?) ((make-mixin-contract drracket:rep:text<%>) boolean? . -> . void?)) ((mixin) (mixin before?)) @{This text is used in the bottom window of DrRacket frames. The argument, @racket[before], controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying @racket[#t].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:get-interactions-text (-> (implementation?/c drracket:rep:text<%>)) () @{Once this function is called, @racket[drracket:get/extend:extend-interactions-text] raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:extend-definitions-text (case-> ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>) . -> . void?) ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>) boolean? . -> . void?)) ((mixin) (mixin before?)) @{This text is used in the top window of DrRacket frames. The argument, @racket[before], controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying @racket[#f].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:get-definitions-text (-> (implementation?/c drracket:unit:definitions-text<%>)) () @{Once this function is called, @racket[drracket:get/extend:extend-definitions-text] raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:extend-interactions-canvas (case-> ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:interactions-canvas%) . -> . void?) ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:interactions-canvas%) boolean? . -> void?)) ((mixin) (mixin before?)) @{This canvas is used in the bottom window of DrRacket frames. The argument, @racket[before], controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying @racket[#f].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:get-interactions-canvas (-> (subclass?/c drracket:unit:interactions-canvas%)) () @{Once this function is called, @racket[drracket:get/extend:extend-interactions-canvas] raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:extend-definitions-canvas (case-> ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:definitions-canvas%) . -> . void?) ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:definitions-canvas%) boolean? . -> . void?)) ((mixin) (mixin before?)) @{This canvas is used in the top window of DrRacket frames. The argument, @racket[before], controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying @racket[#f].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:get-definitions-canvas (-> (subclass?/c drracket:unit:definitions-canvas%)) () @{Once this function is called, @racket[drracket:get/extend:extend-definitions-canvas] raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:extend-unit-frame (case-> ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:frame%) . -> . void?) ((make-mixin-contract drracket:unit:frame%) boolean? . -> . void?)) ((mixin) (mixin before?)) @{This is the frame that implements the main DrRacket window. The argument, @racket[before], controls if the mixin is applied before or after already installed mixins. If unsupplied, this is the same as supplying @racket[#f].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:get/extend:get-unit-frame (-> (subclass?/c drracket:unit:frame%)) () @{Once this function is called, @racket[drracket:get/extend:extend-unit-frame] raises an error, disallowing any more extensions.}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ;;; ; ;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ; ;;; ; ;;;;;; ; ; (proc-doc/names drracket:tracing:annotate (-> syntax? syntax?) (stx) @{Call this function to add tracing annotations to the a fully-expanded expression. When the program runs, DrRacket will pop open the tracing window to display the trace.}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ;; ;; ; ; ; ;;; ;; ; ;;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;;;;; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ;;;;; ;; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ;;; ; ;; ;;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ;;;; ; ;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ;;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ;;;;; ;; ; ;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:get-languages (-> (listof (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>))) () @{This can only be called after all of the tools initialization phases have completed. Returns the list of all of the languages installed in DrRacket.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:add-language ((and/c (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>) drracket:language:object/c) . -> . void?) (language) @{@phase[2] Adds @racket[language] to the languages offerend by DrRacket.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:get-settings-preferences-symbol (-> symbol?) () @{Returns the symbol that is used to store the user's language settings. Use as an argument to either @racket[preferences:get] or @racket[preferences:set].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:language-settings ((or/c (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>) drracket:language:object/c) any/c . -> . drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?) (language settings) @{This is the constructor for a record consisting of two elements, a language and its settings. The settings is a language-specific record that holds a value describing a parameterization of the language. It has two selectors, @racket[drracket:language-configuration:language-settings-language] and @racket[drracket:language-configuration:language-settings-settings], and a predicate, @racket[drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?]}) #; (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:make-language-settings ((or/c (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>) drracket:language:object/c) any/c . -> . drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?) (language settings) @{This is an alias for @racket[drrracket:language-configuration:language-settings]}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:language-settings-settings (-> drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? any/c) (ls) @{Extracts the settings field of a language-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:language-settings-language (drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? . -> . (or/c (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>) drracket:language:object/c)) (ls) @{Extracts the language field of a language-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:language-settings? (any/c . -> . boolean?) (val) @{Determines if the argument is a language-settings or not.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:language-dialog (->* (boolean? drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?) ((or/c false/c (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>))) (or/c false/c drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?)) ((show-welcome? language-settings-to-show) ((parent #t))) @{Opens the language configuration dialog. See also @racket[drracket:language-configuration:fill-language-dialog]. The @racket[show-welcome?] argument determines if if a ``Welcome to DrRacket'' message and some natural language buttons are shown. The @racket[language-settings-to-show] argument must be some default language settings that the dialog is initialized to. If unsure of a default, the currently set language in the user's preferences can be obtained via: @schemeblock[ (preferences:get (drracket:language-configuration:get-settings-preferences-symbol)) ] The @racket[parent] argument is used as the parent to the dialog. The result if @racket[#f] when the user cancells the dialog, and the selected language if they hit ok.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language-configuration:fill-language-dialog (->* ((is-a?/c vertical-panel%) (is-a?/c area-container<%>) drracket:language-configuration:language-settings?) ((or/c false/c (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>)) (-> symbol? void?)) (values (-> (is-a?/c drracket:language:language<%>)) (-> any/c) (-> any/c (is-a?/c mouse-event%) any))) ((panel button-panel language-setting) ((re-center #f) (ok-handler void))) @{This procedure accepts two parent panels and fills them with the contents of the language dialog. It is used to include language configuration controls in some larger context in another dialog. The @racket[panel] argument is the main panel where the language controls will be placed. The function adds buttons to the @racket[button-panel] to revert a language to its default settings and to show the details of a language. The @racket[language-setting] is the default language to show in the dialog. The @racket[re-center] argument is used when the @onscreen{Show Details} button is clicked. If that argument is a @racket[top-level-window<%>], the @onscreen{Show Details} callback will recenter the window each time it is clicked. Otherwise, the argument is not used. @racket[ok-handler] is a function that is in charge of interfacing the OK button. It should accept a symbol message: @racket['enable] and @racket['disable] to toggle the button, and @racket['execute] to run the desired operation. (The language selection dialog also uses an internal @racket['enable-sync] message.) The first two results of the function return a language object and a settings for that language, as chosen by the user using the dialog. The final function should be called when keystrokes are typed in the enclosing frame. It is used to implement the shortcuts that choose the two radio buttons in the language dialog. }) (proc-doc drracket:language:register-capability (->i ([s symbol?] [the-contract contract?] [default (the-contract) the-contract]) () [res void?]) @{Registers a new capability with a default value for each language and a contract on the values the capability might have. By default, these capabilities are registered as DrRacket starts up: @(let-syntax ([cap (syntax-rules () [(cap key contract default desc ...) (item @racket['key : contract = default] "--- " desc ...)])]) (itemize @cap[drracket:check-syntax-button boolean? #t]{controls the visiblity of the check syntax button} @cap[drracket:language-menu-title string? (string-constant scheme-menu-name)]{ controls the name of the menu just to the right of the language menu (defaultly named ``Racket'')} @cap[drscheme:define-popup (or/c #f (list/c string? string? string?) (cons/c string? string?)) (list "(define" "(define ...)" "δ")]{ specifies the prefix that the define popup should look for and what label it should have, or @racket[#f] if it should not appear at all. If the list of three strings alternative is used, the first string is the prefix that is looked for when finding definitions. The second and third strings are used as the label of the control, in horizontal and vertical mode, respectively. The pair of strings alternative is deprecated. If it is used, the pair @racket[(cons a-str b-str)] is the same as @racket[(list a-str b-str "δ")].} @cap[drscheme:help-context-term (or/c false/c string?) #f]{ specifies a context query for documentation searches that are initiated in this language, can be @racket[#f] (no change to the user's setting) or a string to be used as a context query (note: the context is later maintained as a cookie, @racket[""] is different from @racket[#f] in that it clears the stored context)} @cap[drscheme:special:insert-fraction boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert fraction menu item in the special menu is visible} @cap[drscheme:special:insert-lambda boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert lambda menu item in the special menu is visible} @cap[drscheme:special:insert-large-letters boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert large letters menu item in the special menu is visible} @cap[drscheme:special:insert-image boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert image menu item in the special menu is visible} @cap[drscheme:special:insert-comment-box boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert comment box menu item in the special menu is visible} @cap[drscheme:special:insert-gui-tool boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert gui menu item in the special menu is visible} @cap[drscheme:special:slideshow-menu-item boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert pict box menu item in the special menu is visible} @cap[drscheme:special:insert-text-box boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert text box menu item in the special menu is visible} @cap[drscheme:special:xml-menus boolean? #t]{ determines if the insert scheme box, insert scheme splice box, and the insert xml box menu item in the special menu are visible} @cap[drscheme:autocomplete-words (listof string?) '()]{ determines the list of words that are used when completing words in this language} @cap[drscheme:tabify-menu-callback (or/c false/c (-> (is-a?/c text%) number? number? void?)) (λ (t a b) (send t tabify-selection a b))]{ is used as the callback when the ``Reindent'' or ``Reindent All'' menu is selected. The first argument is the editor, and the second and third are a range in the editor.} ))}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:capability-registered? (-> symbol? boolean?) (s) @{Indicates if @racket[drracket:language:register-capability] has been called with @racket[s].}) (proc-doc drracket:language:get-capability-default (->i ([s (and/c symbol? drracket:language:capability-registered?)]) () [res (s) (drracket:language:get-capability-contract s)]) @{Returns the default for a particular capability.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:get-capability-contract (-> (and/c symbol? drracket:language:capability-registered?) contract?) (s) @{Returns the contract for a given capability, which was specified when @racket[drracket:language:register-capability] was called.}) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ;; ;; ; ; ; ;;; ;; ; ;;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;;;;; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ;;;;; ;; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ;;;; (proc-doc/names drracket:language:add-snip-value (->* ((-> any/c boolean?) (-> any/c (is-a?/c snip%))) ((-> any/c)) void?) ((test-value convert-value) ((setup-thunk void))) @{Registers a handler to convert values into snips as they are printed in the REPL. The @racket[test-snip] argument is called to determine if this handler can convert the value and the @racket[convert-value] argument is called to build a snip. The (optional) @racket[setup-thunk] is called just after the user's namespace and other setings are built, but before any of the user's code is evaluated. All three functions are called on the user's thread and with the user's settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:extend-language-interface (-> interface? (make-mixin-contract drracket:language:language<%>) void?) (interface default-implementation) @{@phase[1] Each language added passed to @racket[drracket:language-configuration:add-language] must implement @racket[interface]. The @racket[default-implementation] is a mixin that provides a default implementation of @racket[interface]. Languages that are unaware of the specifics of @racket[extension] use @racket[default-implementation] via @racket[drracket:language:get-default-mixin].}) (proc-doc drracket:language:get-default-mixin (-> (make-mixin-contract drracket:language:language<%>)) @{@phase[2] The result of this function is the composite of all of the @racket[default-implementation] arguments passed to @racket[drracket:language:extend-language-interface].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:get-language-extensions (-> (listof interface?)) () @{@phase[2] Returns a list of the interfaces passed to @racket[drracket:language:extend-language-interface].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:put-executable ((is-a?/c top-level-window<%>) path? (or/c boolean? (symbols 'launcher 'standalone 'distribution)) boolean? string? . -> . (or/c false/c path?)) (parent program-filename mode mred? title) @{Calls the GRacket primitive @racket[put-file] with arguments appropriate for creating an executable from the file @racket[program-filename]. The arguments @racket[mred?] and @racket[mode] indicates what type of executable this should be (and the dialog may be slightly different on some platforms, depending on these arguments). For historical reasons, @racket[#f] is allowed for @racket[mode] as an alias for @racket['launcher], and @racket[#t] is allowed for @racket[mode] as an alias for @racket['stand-alone]. The @racket[title] argument is used as the title to the primitive @racket[put-file] or @racket[get-directory] primitive.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:create-executable-gui ((or/c false/c (is-a?/c top-level-window<%>)) (or/c false/c string?) (or/c (λ (x) (eq? x #t)) (symbols 'launcher 'standalone 'distribution)) (or/c (λ (x) (eq? x #t)) (symbols 'mzscheme 'mred)) . -> . (or/c false/c (list/c (symbols 'no-show 'launcher 'stand-alone 'distribution) (symbols 'no-show 'mred 'mzscheme) string?))) (parent program-name show-type show-base) @{Opens a dialog to prompt the user about their choice of executable. If @racket[show-type] is @racket[#t], the user is prompted about a choice of executable: stand-alone, launcher, or distribution; otherwise, the symbol determines the type. If @racket[show-base] is @racket[#t], the user is prompted about a choice of base binary: mzscheme or mred; otherwise the symbol determines the base. The @racket[program-name] argument is used to construct the default executable name in a platform-specific manner. The @racket[parent] argument is used for the parent of the dialog. The result of this function is @racket[#f] if the user cancel's the dialog and a list of three items indicating what options they chose. If either @racket[show-type] or @racket[show-base] was not @racket[#t], the corresponding result will be @racket['no-show], otherwise it will indicate the user's choice.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:create-module-based-stand-alone-executable ((or/c path? string?) (or/c path? string?) any/c any/c any/c boolean? boolean? . -> . void?) (program-filename executable-filename module-language-spec transformer-module-language-spec init-code gui? use-copy?) @{This procedure creates a stand-alone executable in the file @racket[executable-filename] that runs the program @racket[program-filename]. The arguments @racket[module-language-spec] and @racket[transformer-module-language-spec] specify the settings of the initial namespace, both the transformer portion and the regular portion. Both may be @racket[#f] to indicate there are no initial bindings. The @racket[init-code] argument is an s-expression representing the code for a module. This module is expected to provide the identifer @racket[init-code], bound to a procedure of no arguments. That module is required and the @racket[init-code] procedure is executed to initialize language-specific settings before the code in @racket[program-filename] runs. The @racket[gui?] argument indicates if a GRacket or Racket stand-alone executable is created. The @racket[use-copy?] argument indicates if the initial namespace should be populated with @racket[namespace-require/copy] or @racket[namespace-require]. }) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:create-module-based-distribution ((or/c path? string?) (or/c path? string?) any/c any/c any/c boolean? boolean? . -> . void?) (program-filename distribution-filename module-language-spec transformer-module-language-spec init-code gui? use-copy?) @{Like @racket[drracket:language:create-module-based-stand-alone-executable], but packages the stand-alone executable into a distribution.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:create-distribution-for-executable ((or/c path? string?) boolean? (-> path? void?) . -> . void?) (distribution-filename gui? make-executable) @{Creates a distribution where the given @racket[make-executable] procedure creates the stand-alone executable to be distributed. The @racket[make-executable] procedure is given the name of the executable to create. The @racket[gui?] argument is needed in case the executable's name (which @racket[drracket:language:create-distribution-for-executable] must generate) depends on the type of executable. During the distribution-making process, a progress dialog is shown to the user, and the user can click an @onscreen{Abort} button that sends a break to the current thread.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:create-module-based-launcher ((or/c path? string?) (or/c path? string?) any/c any/c any/c boolean? boolean? . -> . void?) (program-filename executable-filename module-language-spec transformer-module-language-spec init-code gui? use-copy?) @{This procedure is identical to @racket[drracket:language:create-module-based-stand-alone-executable], except that it creates a launcher instead of a stand-alone executable.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-module-based-language-convert-value (-> any/c drracket:language:simple-settings? any) (value settings) @{The result can be either one or two values. The first result is the converted value. The second result is @racket[#t] if the converted value should be printed with @racket[write] (or @racket[pretty-write]), @racket[#f] if the converted result should be printed with @racket[print] (or @racket[pretty-print]); the default second result is @racket[#t]. The default implementation of this method depends on the @racket[simple-settings-printing-style] field of @racket[settings]. If it is @racket['print], the result is @racket[(values value #f)]. If it is @racket['write] or @racket['trad-write], the result is just @racket[value]. Otherwise, the result is produce by adjusting the @racket[constructor-style-printing] and @racket[show-sharing] parameters based on @racket[settings], setting @racket[current-print-convert-hook] to ignore snips, and then applying @racket[print-convert] to @racket[value].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:setup-printing-parameters (-> (-> any) drracket:language:simple-settings? (or/c number? 'infinity) any) (thunk settings width) @{Sets all of the @racket[pretty-print] and @racket[print-convert] parameters either to the defaults to values based on @racket[settings] and then invokes @racket[thunk], returning what it returns.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:text/pos-text (drracket:language:text/pos? . -> . (is-a?/c text%)) (text/pos) @{Selects the @racket[text%] from a text/pos.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:text/pos-start (drracket:language:text/pos? . -> . number?) (text/pos) @{Selects the starting position from a text/pos.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:text/pos-end (drracket:language:text/pos? . -> . number?) (text/pos) @{Selects the ending position from a text/pos.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:text/pos? (any/c . -> . boolean?) (val) @{Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[val] is a text/pos, and @racket[#f] otherwise.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:text/pos ((is-a?/c text%) number? number? . -> . drracket:language:text/pos?) (text start end) @{Constructs a text/pos.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:make-text/pos ((is-a?/c text%) number? number? . -> . drracket:language:text/pos?) (text start end) @{An alias for @racket[drracket:language:text/pos]}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings-case-sensitive (drracket:language:simple-settings? . -> . boolean?) (simple-settings) @{Extracts the case-sensitive setting from a simple-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings-printing-style (drracket:language:simple-settings? . -> . (symbols 'constructor 'quasiquote 'write 'print)) (simple-settings) @{Extracts the printing-style setting from a simple-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings-fraction-style (drracket:language:simple-settings? . -> . (symbols 'mixed-fraction 'mixed-fraction-e 'repeating-decimal 'repeating-decimal-e)) (simple-settings) @{Extracts the fraction-style setting from a simple-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings-show-sharing (drracket:language:simple-settings? . -> . boolean?) (simple-settings) @{Extracts the show-sharing setting from a simple-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings-insert-newlines (drracket:language:simple-settings? . -> . boolean?) (simple-settings) @{Extracts the insert-newline setting from a simple-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings-annotations (drracket:language:simple-settings? . -> . (symbols 'none 'debug 'debug/profile 'test-coverage)) (simple-settings) @{Extracts the debugging setting from a simple-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings? (any/c . -> . boolean?) (val) @{Determines if @racket[val] is a simple-settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings (-> boolean? (symbols 'constructor 'quasiquote 'write 'trad-write 'print) (symbols 'mixed-fraction 'mixed-fraction-e 'repeating-decimal 'repeating-decimal-e) boolean? boolean? (symbols 'none 'debug 'debug/profile 'test-coverage) drracket:language:simple-settings?) (case-sensitive printing-style fraction-style show-sharing insert-newlines annotations) @{Constructs a simple settings.}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:make-simple-settings (-> boolean? (symbols 'constructor 'quasiquote 'write 'trad-write 'print) (symbols 'mixed-fraction 'mixed-fraction-e 'repeating-decimal 'repeating-decimal-e) boolean? boolean? (symbols 'none 'debug 'debug/profile 'test-coverage) drracket:language:simple-settings?) (case-sensitive printing-style fraction-style show-sharing insert-newlines annotations) @{An alias for @racket[drracket:language:simple-settings].}) (proc-doc/names drracket:language:simple-settings->vector (drracket:language:simple-settings? . -> . vector?) (simple-settings) @{Constructs a vector whose elements are the fields of @racket[simple-settings].}))