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bug#8454: deftheme, :inherit & overriding existing values

From: Dirk-Jan C . Binnema
Subject: bug#8454: deftheme, :inherit & overriding existing values
Date: Mon, 09 May 2011 23:41:34 +0300
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.15.9 (Almost Unreal) Emacs/24.0 Mule/6.0 (HANACHIRUSATO)


>>>>> On Sun, 08 May 2011 16:14:53 -0400, Chong Yidong ("CYD") wrote:

  CYD> Chong Yidong <cyd@stupidchicken.com> writes:
  >> I'm afraid both bug reports are too vague for me to figure out exactly
  >> what is supposed to be going wrong.  Could someone provide a precise,
  >> step-by-step recipe for reproducing the problem?

Sorry about the 'vagueness' - but glad you found it out anyhow.
  CYD> OK, I found a bug in the case where defface is called after loading a
  CYD> theme with settings for that face.  The defface settings were not being
  CYD> applied; I've checked a fix into the trunk.  However, I'm not sure this
  CYD> is the issue you are talking about, since this bug was not specific to
  CYD> the :inherit property.  Could you check if your problem is fixed?

No, it does solve the problem, but I guess below confirms my suspicion..
  CYD> One possible source of confusion, which may apply to Dirk-Jan's report,
  CYD> is that :inherit only tells Emacs to consult the parent face if a face
  CYD> attribute is unspecified.  If the attribute is specified, it overrides
  CYD> the inheritance.  So if your Custom theme want to "cancel out", say, any
  CYD> existing foreground attribute setting, you need something like

  CYD>  '(froob ((t (:foreground unspecified :inherit parent-face))))

Ok, yes that is what happens. I guess this could work, but in practice it
makes :inherit rather suboptimal -- imagine switching from one theme to
another, you'd have to explicitly cancel out every attribute the other theme
may have set.

Best wishes,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema                  Helsinki, Finland
e:djcb@djcbsoftware.nl           w:www.djcbsoftware.nl
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