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bug#33602: 27.0.50; Compiling no file at

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#33602: 27.0.50; Compiling no file at
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2018 18:49:54 +0100

>> FWIW the problem is in package.el.  Have a look at the fix I just posted.
> Could you perhaps be more explicit, please?  The problem with "Compiling
> no file at ..." is one I can't even reproduce at the moment.

Sorry, I had to leave and only wanted people to wait with bisecting
until Stefan resolved the current issue.  Beware also that I haven't
followed the threads with the issue discussed here so maybe I'm not
aware of all details.  IIUC all started with Markus reporting that

> (is that a late April Fools' Day prank?)
> after each restart, a *Compile-log* buffer reports
> Compiling no file at <any date>

and one of the next days Angelo reported

> Compiling no file at Thu Dec  6 09:46:33 2018

From Angelo's init file I traced that message back to the presence of

(require 'package)

and removing that removed the message.  Then I looked into package.el
and found that code at its end:

      (insert "
;; Local\sVariables:
;; version-control: never
;;\sno-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; End:

Since commenting out the

;;\sno-byte-compile: t

line again avoids the message I concluded that Stefan somehow got the
grep in makefile wrong which looks for

grep '^;.*no-byte-compile: t'

and apparently finds the one in that line.  So the connection you
asked for here

> The patch you recently posted for package.el is something to do with
> package.el being compiled or not being compiled.  What connection does
> this have with the irritating appearance of the message in *Compile-Log*?

should be hopefully clear now.

My patch is just a workaround (which happens to work here) for people
to test. A clean fix could use 'concat' to produce that string (I have
no idea whether no-update-autoloads might be affected as well) like

      (insert (concat "\n"
                      ";; Local Variables:\n"
                      ";; version-control: never\n"
                      ";; no-byte-compile: t\n"
                      ";; no-update-autoloads: t\n"
                      ";; End:\n"))

so the ^;.* match is avoided by the spaces and the quotation mark.


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