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bug#41852: 27.0.50; text-scale commands don't scale header of tabulated-

From: Thomas Hisch
Subject: bug#41852: 27.0.50; text-scale commands don't scale header of tabulated-list-mode
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 20:37:46 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/83.0

On 29.10.20 18:43, Stefan Kangas wrote:
Thomas Hisch <thomas.hisch@ims.co.at> writes:

I've tried testing the patches, but without success. What I did was the

Thanks for testing!

My pleasure!

start emacs -Q
M-x package-list-packages
M-x text-scale-increase

The text-scale-increase command doesn't have an effect on the scale of
the header line, but only on the scale of the date in the package table.

Does the above example rescale the font in the header line for you?

Yes, it works for me.  Strange.

My only guess is that there was something missing in the last diff I
sent.  Could you please try again using the latest patch I sent to this

You current patch seems to work - Great! There is still an issue when
the test-scale is increased multiple times, because the columns of the
header row don't align with the columns of the data rows. See the
attached image.


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