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bug#48191: C-x ` runs the command next-error: carpal tunnel syndrome

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: bug#48191: C-x ` runs the command next-error: carpal tunnel syndrome
Date: Mon, 03 May 2021 15:10:14 +0000

You know what,
   C-x ` runs the command next-error
is a lot of work pressing over and over.

Let's think of
   C-s runs the command isearch-repeat-forward
Now that's like driving a Tesla, vs. some '68 Oldsmobile.

Sure, they are just going to say

Well then just bind it to your favorite key. Case closed.

But I'm talking about the health of the wrists of future generations. The kids. So emacs should add an additional one stroke binding.

You know what, C-h w next-error tells you that "next-error is on C-x `, M-g n, M-g M-n". That's already three keybindings; the third one should be particularly easy to type on any keyboard.

And you know what, if none of them suits the needs of your wrist, you can (define-key global-map (kbd "<your preferred key>") 'next-error).

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