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bug#48254: 28.0.50; minibuffer does not show the prompt of a command on

From: max . brieiev
Subject: bug#48254: 28.0.50; minibuffer does not show the prompt of a command on first invocation
Date: Sat, 08 May 2021 11:26:44 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Ok, let's try next recipe.

The content of .emacs file:

(add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook (lambda () (or (minibufferp) 
(set-input-method "english-dvorak"))))
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook (lambda () (set-input-method 


- Modify some file buffer.
- Press 'C-x C-c'
- You will be prompted with: "Save file ... (y, n, ., q, ...)"
- Press "q" as in qwerty layout. This will quit the prompt, meaning that
  the actual layout is qwerty.


- M-: RET (y-or-n-p "test: ") RET
- then press "y" as in dvorak layout, this is "t" letter in qwerty. This
  will  exit the prompt, meaning that the actual layout is dvorak. 

So in each case I had to guess, which layout is active to actually
answer the prompt.

Another case. I use 'project.el'. When you select the project with
`C-x p p`, you are prompted with a menu like:

[f] Find file [g] Find regexp [d] Dired ...

Previously this menu used to respect qwerty layout only. I re-build
Emacs approximately once in 1-2 weeks and since some recent build it
started to respect only dvorak keys.

I don't have strong opinion here, but I think this is wrong. I think
"one letter prompts" should ignore current input methods, because they
are essentially keybindings just with modifier key omitted. An user
with Japanese input method won't be able to answer any of the prompt
unless she explicitly resets inputh method.

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