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bug#48307: Feature request: provide default keybindings to change the fo

From: Clément Pit-Claudel
Subject: bug#48307: Feature request: provide default keybindings to change the font size in all windows
Date: Sun, 9 May 2021 11:31:57 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.7.1

On 5/9/21 4:23 AM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> So: what should be the effect of this "global" change of the "font
> size"?  Some thought-provoking questions:

Thanks.  Some wild guesses:

>  . should this affect only the faces whose fonts don't define their
>    own size, or should it affect _all_ fonts?

Probably all of them except the ones that specify an absolute height?

>  . should this really affect _all_ the buffers? e.g., what about the
>    minibuffer and the echo-area buffers?

Yes, certainly.

>  . should this affect all the frames or just the currently selected
>    frame? what about future frames?

I'm guessing all frames.

>  . should this affect the mode line?


>  . should this affect tooltips?

Yes, to the extent that we have control over that.

>  . should this affect the fringes and their bitmaps?

That would be nice.

>  . should this affect the menu bar, the drop-down menus, and the GUI
>    dialogs?

That's extra credit; I guess it could be nice?

> We need a clear understanding of the feature before we implement it,
> IMO.

Indeed, although starting with an implementation and refining it over time 
could be good, too (to some extent I think the specifics matter less than 
having something available).  For example, just including any one of the short 
implementations into Emacs by default would work to solve the concrete issue 
that I'm talking about (with the pandemic we do screen-sharing all the time, 
and I hear "how do I resize the font in Emacs again?" more than once a week 
these days ^^).

A good approximation of what I would like that command to do is what 
menu-set-font does if you ignore the part about changing the face and only 
change the size part.  Something similar to doing text-scale-adjust in every 
buffer would also work, too (I've noticed that changing the :height attribute 
of the default face is slow, while text-scale-adjust is fast).  

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