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bug#48678: [PATCH] lex floats with trailing dot and exponent correctly

From: Mattias Engdegård
Subject: bug#48678: [PATCH] lex floats with trailing dot and exponent correctly
Date: Wed, 26 May 2021 18:56:43 +0200

Motivation: I poured lots of numeric data into Emacs for a computation, but the 
result weren't as expected at all. Yet my code was correct, and so was the data.

After hours of debugging, it turned out that Emacs reads a number like 1.e6 as 
the integer 1, not the float 1000000.0. The exponent is silently ignored!

Now Emacs has always treated numbers like 123. as integers rather than floats, 
(1) it's documented,
(2) it's what Common Lisp does, and
(3) it actually doesn't affect the numeric value most of the time.

(Common Lisp probably got this from Maclisp, the rationale being that a 
trailing dot can be used to write integers in base 10 even when the current 
input radix is set to something else, something that Emacs Lisp doesn't need.)

Obviously this doesn't apply to 1.e6 which any sane person agrees is the float 
1.0e+6 (including Common Lisp).

The attached patch fixes this bug.

Attachment: 0001-Fix-lexing-of-numbers-with-trailing-decimal-point-an.patch
Description: Binary data

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