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bug#646: emacsclient with no args to behave like -a

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#646: emacsclient with no args to behave like -a
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2021 21:00:12 -0700

On 8/26/2021 8:31 PM, Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:
"J. Pablo "Fernández\"" <pupeno@pupeno.com> writes:

It would be nice if emacsclient, when called with no arguments, would
just run the alternate editor. I've configured emacs as my alternate
editor so emacsclient for me is basically a "open this in an existing
emacs or run one otherwise", the only problem for that to work
completely is having it working with no arguments.

(I'm going through old bug reports that unfortunately weren't
resolved at the time.)

It seems like this has been fixed in the 13 years since it was reported.

I did:

larsi@elva:~/src/emacs/trunk$ export ALTERNATE_EDITOR=nano
larsi@elva:~/src/emacs/trunk$ ./lib-src/emacsclient /tmp/foo

and that opened nano.

It sounds to me like the "args" in question would be "/tmp/foo" in this case. On Emacs 27.2 and 28.0.50, I see:

  $ export ALTERNATE_EDITOR=nano
  $ lib-src/emacsclient
  lib-src/emacsclient: file name or argument required
  Try 'lib-src/emacsclient --help' for more information

From my reading, this is the original reporter's preferred behavior:

  1) If Emacs is not currently running
     a) `emacsclient file.txt' starts Emacs and opens file.txt
     b) `emacsclient' starts Emacs (as though running `emacs')
  2) If Emacs is currently running
     a) `emacsclient file.txt' opens file.txt in the existing Emacs session
b) `emacsclient' brings some frame in the existing Emacs session to the foreground

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