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bug#60453: 29.0.60; treesit-range-rules throw an error without tree-sitt

From: Wilhelm Kirschbaum
Subject: bug#60453: 29.0.60; treesit-range-rules throw an error without tree-sitter
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2022 16:53:08 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.3; emacs 29.0.60

With the following code without tree-sitter library:

(defvar elixir-ts-mode--treesit-range-rules
  :embed 'heex
  :host 'elixir
'((sigil (sigil_name) @name (:match "^[H]$" @name) (quoted_content)

upon loading the mode I get the following error:

treesit-range-rules: Symbol’s function definition is void:

This can easily be mitigated with (when (treesit-available-p)...) but think it should function similar to how (treesit-font-lock-rules work.


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