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bug#60653: 30.0.50; tree-sitter: `treesit-[explore/inspect]-mode' can le

From: Mickey Petersen
Subject: bug#60653: 30.0.50; tree-sitter: `treesit-[explore/inspect]-mode' can leak memory
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 08:58:50 +0000
User-agent: mu4e @VERSION@; emacs 30.0.50

Yuan Fu <casouri@gmail.com> writes:

> Mickey Petersen <mickey@masteringemacs.org> writes:
>> If you enable either the `treesit-inspect-mode' or
>> `treesit-explore-mode' and leave them to their devices, you may find
>> that through excessive editing, particularly programmatically, that it
>> can cause memory leaks over time.
>> I am 90% certain those modes are responsible: if I do not use them,
>> then I do not experience these issues. I have had the oomkiller reap
>> the Emacs process as it simply balloons out of control over time.
> Hmmm, maybe it’s just using a lot of memory. Emacs never returns memory
> once it allocates them. Are you opening a lot of buffers? A tree-sitter
> parse tree uses about 10x memory as the source text.

Nah. This VM's got 64 GiB RAM. So that's not it. And my list of open
buffers does go up or down a bit, but as I'm working on TS stuff, it's
mostly the same handful of smallish files.

Note that I used the third-party tree-sitter implementation for a long
time and never encountered this. And it never seems to happen if I
leave the explorer/inspect mode off. Note that I do do a lot of repeat
editing in the ones that have those modes active.

There's definitely something going on here, and I wish I had more
information to give you, Yuan!

> Yuan

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