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bug#60805: [PATCH] Extend go-ts-mode with command to add docstring to fu

From: Theodor Thornhill
Subject: bug#60805: [PATCH] Extend go-ts-mode with command to add docstring to function
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2023 08:34:43 +0100

On 21 January 2023 07:48:48 CET, Eshel Yaron <me@eshelyaron.com> wrote:
>A quick thought from someone interested in using this new command:
>IMO the current implementation is a bit too opinionated to be really
>useful.  Inserting the function's name at the beginning of the comment
>is not always desired because different teams have different conventions
>for doc comments, and sometimes you just want to add a nolint
>directive[0] which again doesn't start with the function's name.
>My suggestion is to add some way for users to customize/extend the
>contents of the inserted doc comment.  One option is to have a variable
>that'll hold a function responsible for determining the text of the
>comment.  This variable can then default to a function that returns the
>current Go function's name.
>[0] https://golangci-lint.run/usage/false-positives/#nolint-directive

Why not just
(insert "// ")


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