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bug#60966: 30.0.50; Emacs -nw on msys2 is not clearing the terminal

From: Ergus
Subject: bug#60966: 30.0.50; Emacs -nw on msys2 is not clearing the terminal
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 17:55:22 +0100

Hi Eli:


I think you can close this issue or just add a comment about it
somewhere in the documentation...

So, it is done from my side. (If I get some time I will try to fix the
build system script, but not now)


I have another issue because rgrep + MS-Windows does not work for me, I
try to use it like usual, but I get this:


-*- mode: grep; default-directory: "e:/Repository/" -*-
Grep started at Tue Jan 31 17:25:49

find -H . -type d "(" -path "*/SCCS" -o -path "*/RCS" -o -path "*/CVS"
-o -path "*/MCVS" -o -path "*/.src" -o -path "*/.svn" -o -path "*/.git"
-o -path "*/.hg" -o -path "*/.bzr" -o -path "*/_MTN" -o -path "*/_darcs"
-o -path "*/{arch}" ")" -prune -o ^"^!^" -type d "(" -name ".#*" -o
-name "*.o" -o -name "*~" -o -name "*.bin" -o -name "*.bak" -o -name
"*.obj" -o -name "*.map" -o -name "*.ico" -o -name "*.pif" -o -name
"*.lnk" -o -name "*.a" -o -name "*.ln" -o -name "*.blg" -o -name "*.bbl"
-o -name "*.dll" -o -name "*.drv" -o -name "*.vxd" -o -name "*.386" -o
-name "*.elc" -o -name "*.lof" -o -name "*.glo" -o -name "*.idx" -o
-name "*.lot" -o -name "*.fmt" -o -name "*.tfm" -o -name "*.class" -o
-name "*.fas" -o -name "*.lib" -o -name "*.mem" -o -name "*.x86f" -o
-name "*.sparcf" -o -name "*.dfsl" -o -name "*.pfsl" -o -name "*.d64fsl"
-o -name "*.p64fsl" -o -name "*.lx64fsl" -o -name "*.lx32fsl" -o -name
"*.dx64fsl" -o -name "*.dx32fsl" -o -name "*.fx64fsl" -o -name
"*.fx32fsl" -o -name "*.sx64fsl" -o -name "*.sx32fsl" -o -name
"*.wx64fsl" -o -name "*.wx32fsl" -o -name "*.fasl" -o -name "*.ufsl" -o
-name "*.fsl" -o -name "*.dxl" -o -name "*.lo" -o -name "*.la" -o -name
"*.gmo" -o -name "*.mo" -o -name "*.toc" -o -name "*.aux" -o -name
"*.cp" -o -name "*.fn" -o -name "*.ky" -o -name "*.pg" -o -name "*.tp"
-o -name "*.vr" -o -name "*.cps" -o -name "*.fns" -o -name "*.kys" -o
-name "*.pgs" -o -name "*.tps" -o -name "*.vrs" -o -name "*.pyc" -o
-name "*.pyo" ")" -prune -o -type f "(" -iname "*" ")" -exec grep
--color=always -i -nH --null -e "protoc" "{}" ";"

FIND: Parameter format not correct

Grep exited abnormally with code 2 at Tue Jan 31 17:25:49


I tried this simplified version of the command from the msys-mingw64
terminal and it actually does not work.

find -H . -type d "(" -path "*/.git" ")" -prune -o type -f "(" -iname "*" ")" -exec grep -e 
"protoc" "{}" ";"

Is this a known issue for you? Else, I can open a new issue if you

3) Is it there a clean way I could migrate one emacs installation
(packages in the elpa directory) between machines? Because the machine I
am using now does not have access to internet from the terminal (the
system has some ldap proxy); so, emacs cannot access elpa/melpa or
github to download any package.

Is there some tool in emacs intended for this purpose?

Thanks in advance,
And sorry for the bother

On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 06:57:54PM +0200, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 16:24:29 +0100
From: Ergus <spacibba@aol.com>
Cc: 60966@debbugs.gnu.org

It is just a bit weird that emacs shouldn't be called from within the
msys terminal, maybe a warning message or something may help here. It is
not terrible, just a bit confusing.

Maybe you should ask mintty developers to look into this?  No one
never asked Emacs to support mintty on Windows.  But then almost no
one uses the -nw sessions on Windows (why would you want to?).

gcc -c -mtune=generic -DUSE_CRT_DLL=1 -I /c/Documents and
Settings/T008593/Downloads/emacs/build/../source/nt/inc -mtune=generic
-MMD -MF deps/fingerprint.d -MP -g3 -O2 -gdwarf-2 -I. -I../src
-I../../source/lib -I../../source/lib/../src -DGL_COMPILE_CRYPTO_STREAM
-o fingerprint.o ../../source/lib/fingerprint.c

So, probably is this the problem??

Yes.  Feel free to suggest a patch for configure.ac that would quote
the names.  Better yet, don't build Emacs inside directories with
whitespace in their names ;-)

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