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bug#62762: circular dependencies in elisp files and make

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: bug#62762: circular dependencies in elisp files and make
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 18:21:56 +0700
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On 13/05/2023 17:58, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 17:25:06 +0700 From: Max Nikulin

On 13/05/2023 15:46, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 14:34:06 +0700 From: Max Nikulin

1. A script reads dependency files (if they exist) created during

previous build and removes stale .elc files.

This will break if the updated files have different dependencies.  You
need to recreate the dependencies each build.

Let's consider a.el that contains (require 'd) or it autoloads some
macro from d.el. If a.el changed then a.elc is removed on this stage, so
updated a.elc will be created on the next stage. Dependency on d.elc is
known from previous build, so if d.el is changed then both a.elc and
d.elc are removed. If new (require 'd-new) is added to a.el then it is
not a problem as well. a.elc is removed due to changed a.el. d-new.elc
is either up to date or it is removed due to changes in its dependencies
or in d-new.el.

I was talking about dependencies, not about stale files.  They will
need to be refreshed every build, because, unlike C sources, the *.el
files change in that aspect much more frequently.

Writing "stale" I mean more than comparison timestamps of a.el and a.elc. Dependency files may contain

a.elc: a.el d.elc
d.elc: d.el

the script walks through dependency graph, compares timestamps and when it d.el is newer than d.elc, *both* "a.elc" and "d.elc" are removed. It is unfortunate that a part of "make" should be implemented in the script, but I am unsure if some trick is suitable to leverage "make" power for removing of files instead of their creation.

Next compile stage updates dependency files as a side effect and new dependencies may appear

d.elc: d.el d-transitive.elc

however absence of d-transitive.elc during dependency removing stage 1 does not lead to any problem.

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