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bug#69788: zcat, zgrep and other (g)zutils' names

From: wrotycz
Subject: bug#69788: zcat, zgrep and other (g)zutils' names
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:05:22 +0100
User-agent: GWP-Draft

zcat, z grep and other (g)zutils   Hello,  I noticed, not for the first time 
that zcat, zgrep and rest of the utils are ambiguously named. Neither gzip nor 
.gz does not begin with 'z'. All other compressors call their utils by 
the name of extension, like xzcat, lzcat, zstdgrep and so on. This is more 
logical and less confusing.  To make things worse, *nix Compress produces .Z 
files and that could be using 'z' as prefix for the names other its 
tools. It doesn't have ones but that's the point - it would be logical 
to use zcat for a compress' tool name, and 'gzcat' fo gzip cat 
tool.  And the last and not least, these zXXX names collide with zutils' 
names, which are more 'generic', in a sense that they serve as a tools 
for many compressors, not only for gzip.   So, for the reasons mentioned above 
and to avoid confusion I propose to rename zcat, zgrep, etc., to gzcat, gzgrep, 
etc.  Hope you understand the request.   Regards  wrotycz

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