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Re: Missing bug-coreutils message?

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: Missing bug-coreutils message?
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 19:19:16 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Glenn Morris wrote:
> I sent you this:
> but it does not seem to have appeared on bug-coreutils. I wonder if
> the same Mailman issue caused bug-coreutils to silently discard it
> like debbugs did the first time round...

Within the limited visibility I have I don't see it in the mailman
moderator message trail.  Usually if it makes it into mailman then it
will send out a moderator message and that is where I have visibility.
If you had a message-id for the lost message then more research could
be done through the upstream logs.

It looks like it was dropped prior to entering the second mailman.
Since it got to the BTS it made it through the first time since the
submit address also feeds into a mailman on debbugs.  And then after
that it goes to the bug-coreutils mailman for

I have seen multiple cases now where email made it to the
servers and was posted to debbugs but did not make it to the mailing
list.  This looks like another one.  There is definitely a bug in
there somewhere.  But I think only sysadmin has the capabilities to
find it.

We know of some cases where this is simply a bug in debbugs.  Such as
if a message is posted to the 123-done address and was already closed
then that message isn't forwarded.  Some of us have modified our
behavior to use close which is specifically called out to be avoided
simply to avoid the bug.  But that isn't this case.

Sorry.  No insight from me today.

Speaking as one of the listhelpers.

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