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Re: split: support unlimited number of split files

From: Jérémy Compostella
Subject: Re: split: support unlimited number of split files
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 17:27:01 +0100

>> [...]
> That's problematic.
> Is your locale ar_SA? as that's the only one
> on my system that triggers:
My locale is fr_FR.utf8

>  for loc in $(locale -a | grep -vF .); do
>    echo $loc;  printf "%s\n" 2 1 . | LC_ALL=$loc sort
>  done | grep 1 -B1 | grep _
> Note the ar_SA case may be just a bug in glibc's LC_COLLATE
> definition for that locale?

Yes, but give a try to:

  for loc in $(locale -a | grep -vF .); do
     echo $loc; printf "%s\n" .b a. | LC_ALL=$loc sort
  done| grep a. -B1 | grep _

In most of the case, 'a.' will be sorted before '.b'



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