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Re: split: support unlimited number of split files

From: Pádraig Brady
Subject: Re: split: support unlimited number of split files
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 16:45:02 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:6.0) Gecko/20110816 Thunderbird/6.0

On 03/02/2012 04:27 PM, Jérémy Compostella wrote:
>>> [...]
>> That's problematic.
>> Is your locale ar_SA? as that's the only one
>> on my system that triggers:
> My locale is fr_FR.utf8
>>  for loc in $(locale -a | grep -vF .); do
>>    echo $loc;  printf "%s\n" 2 1 . | LC_ALL=$loc sort
>>  done | grep 1 -B1 | grep _
>> Note the ar_SA case may be just a bug in glibc's LC_COLLATE
>> definition for that locale?
> Yes, but give a try to:
>   for loc in $(locale -a | grep -vF .); do
>      echo $loc; printf "%s\n" .b a. | LC_ALL=$loc sort
>   done| grep a. -B1 | grep _
> In most of the case, 'a.' will be sorted before '.b'

Ah drats, yes you need to check the combinations.

$ printf "%s\n" .b a. | LC_ALL=en_US sort

$ printf "%s\n" . a | LC_ALL=en_US sort

So that means we can't have a variable length generated suffix
in combination with --additional-suffix.

2 options I see for that.

1. Make --additional-suffix require --suffix-length
2. Make this variable length suffix only on with --suffix-length=auto
and have that mutually exclusive with --additional-suffix

I'm leaning towards 1.


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