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Re: Feature Request: disallow world-writable files in chmod

From: Jaroslav Rakhmatoullin
Subject: Re: Feature Request: disallow world-writable files in chmod
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 14:12:49 +0200

If a user wants to (makes the mistake of) let others delete their files, it's not "your job" to teach them otherwise. Compare to "real life"; someone leaves a bike on the street unlocked and someone else steals it. Does it make sense to file a complaint to the police department about not educating people of this danger? Now, if the user has an elevated role on your system and does this to others' files, it may be "your job" to teach them otherwise (ie easier to restrict use of o+w ). This is definitely not a laughing matter.

On 28 June 2013 04:52, Bob Proulx <address@hidden> wrote:
Ben Lentz wrote:
> I suspect I may get laughed off the list... but would you folks ever
> consider restricting the use of chmod such that world-writable files
> are reserved for 1) /tmp-style permissions (1777) or 2) reserved for
> root-only users? Despite training (berating?) users, it seems the
> default reaction to "oh no, I am having a permission problem" is an
> knee-jerk execution of "chmod -R 777 *" in order to make the 'problem'
> go away... however all it's really done is *move* the problem...

More of a problem than chmod the more typical problem I see is when
users copy files through a USB storage device on a FAT32 or NTFS
filesystem.  Since those don't have Unix file system permissions
then using them to copy files results in files being mode 777.  And
then almost no one seems to fix them subsequently.  Sigh.


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