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Re: [PATCH] stdbuf: enforce -fPIC compilation for, required by

From: Philipp Thomas
Subject: Re: [PATCH] stdbuf: enforce -fPIC compilation for, required by gcc-5.0
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 15:04:51 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

* Bernhard Voelker (address@hidden) [20150326 14:56]:

> It turned out to be a downstream issue, where another odd patch
> added -fpie globally to AM_CFLAGS.  Now, -fpie also enabled -fno-PIC
> for compiling to src_libstdbuf_so-libstdbuf.o, the more strict
> gcc-5.0 complained about missing -fPIC.
> Thus forget about this patch.

But filtering out -fpie from AM_CFLAGS would IMO still be a good idea, no?

BTW, the whole PIE issued is moot with the patch I just accepted that
removes the the patch that added -fpie to AM_CFLAGS and instead
buildrequires a package that will make gcc build pie by default.


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