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RE: mv bug report

From: William Bader
Subject: RE: mv bug report
Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 10:56:47 -0400

I think that mv -i warns only when it would overwrite a file.  Your test renamed a file but did not overwrite an existing file.

From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: mv bug report
Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 14:52:42 +0800

Greetings !

My name is Serg Kolo, I am an Ubuntu 15.04 user. While renaming some files, I've discovered that my mv binary does not respond in any way to -i or --interactive option.

In the screenshot bellow you can see me use mv -i or mv --interactive which still acts as regular mv, in two different shells, first mksh, then bash.

 I found this email on the coreutils webpage, and hope I am not causing any inconvenience by sending a message here; I don't have experience with reporting bugs, but I though this would be worth mentioning and may be useful to some



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