On 01/06/15 10:22, Bernhard Voelker wrote:
On 05/19/2015 03:34 PM, Pádraig Brady wrote:
http://www.opencoverage.net/ is now tracking coreutils
and it's at 46% overage with their config and
condition/decision coverage checking mechanism
Also note the gcov results at:
which currently result in:
Summary coverage rate:
lines......: 77.7% (40132 of 51654 lines)
functions..: 85.9% (2122 of 2471 functions)
branches...: no data found
Great stuff!
Do you think it's worth adding to one of the README's?
This is more dynamic info I think, best suited to a web page.
I'll look at adding a section to the coreutils home page
on testing resources/results etc.