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Re: Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 16.04.3

From: Bernhard Voelker
Subject: Re: Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 16.04.3
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2017 17:56:06 +0100
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On 12/23/2017 07:27 PM, Karel P Coors wrote:
Good day

For some reason I installed Ubuntu 18.04 recently, upgraded from 17.10

18.04 is not released until end April 2018.

Since 17.10 has a problem with Lenovo (which I use) I want to go back to
16.04.3 which I downloaded. It sits in in

What instructions do I need to follow to install this iso file?

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance

Best regards and happy holidays

You reached the GNU coreutils mailing list where command line tools
belonging to that package - like ls, mv, cp etc. - are discussed.
I personally don't know anything about upgrading/downgrading an Ubuntu
installation, and I wouldn't expect many other response here as well.
You're better off asking at an Ubuntu-specific mailing list.

Have a nice day,

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