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Re: Cat File Truncation Question - Unsure of How To Post To Discussion L

From: Sean Lum
Subject: Re: Cat File Truncation Question - Unsure of How To Post To Discussion List
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 12:01:44 -0700

My apologies, I didn't realize this error until after sending.

$ echo $(cat file.txt) > file.txt
$ cat file.txt
<no output>


$ echo $(cat file.txt) > file.txt
$ cat file.txt

And that seems to be it.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 11:48 AM Sean Lum <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Sean Lum. I've run into something on my Linux systems (Debian,
> Fedora, and Arch, occurring both in bash and sh on all three, and all the
> machines are up to date at the time of testing), and it involves shell
> input/output redirects and the cat command. I am not completely sure on how
> the cat command handles shell redirects, but similar behavior is also
> present in the less command. I am unsure if this is a bash command or cat
> command issue or a less command issue.
> The issue is as such, when the input file is the output file, in a
> truncating redirect, the file is truncated, and no content written to the
> file by the redirect. This behavior is the same on the less command, using
> the ">" operator, but has differing behavior on the ">>" operator.
> $ echo "hi" > file.txt
> $ cat file.txt
> hi
> $ cat file.txt > file.txt
> $ cat file.txt
> <no output>
> $ echo "hi" > file.txt
> $ cat file.txt >| file.txt
> <no output>
> $ echo "hi" > file.txt
> $ echo $(cat file.txt) > file.txt
> $ cat file.txt
> <no output>
> $ cat file.txt >> file.txt
> cat: file.txt: input file is output file
> In bash(1) under Redirecting Output. I notice that:
> "If the file does not exist it is created; if it does exist it is
> truncated to zero size."
> ...
> "If  the  redirection  operator is >, and the noclobber option to the set
> builtin has been enabled, the redirection will fail if the file whose name
> results from the expansion of word exists and is a regular file.  If the
> redirection operator is >|, or the redirection operator is > and the
> noclobber option to the set builtin command is not enabled, the redirection
> is attempted even if  the  file named by word exists."
> My question is, even with the noclobber operator set, why is the content
> of the file truncated and not overwritten with the same file content if the
> input file is also an output file? Similar behavior occurs in the less
> command as well (file truncated with ">", file contents appended after file
> contents with ">>"). I'm still confused, is this defined or undefined
> behavior? Is there an explanation for this?
> My thoughts on possibilities:
> 1. I am not understanding the way bash works with the cat command, and
> this is expected behavior.
> 2. Fencing issues with memory access, the input file and output file are
> the same, and a file descriptor related error arises? Or a read/write error
> arises?
> 3. A race condition in the order of processing in the bash script causing
> the file to be truncated after the file contents are written?
> 4. Could be something else, I haven't quite gotten to the point of
> inspecting source code yet.
> Thank you, and I hope you have a great day,
> - Sean Lum

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