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Re: Does -s apply to -m in sort?

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: Does -s apply to -m in sort?
Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 17:01:03 -0500
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On 5/11/20 4:18 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
I used real files (already sorted) to test whether having -s or not
affect -m. But I have not made minimal example input files so that is
why I am not sure about my conclusion.

But the command to try is basically `sort -m -k sort_fields files...`
or `sort -s -m -k sort_fields files..`.

That's closer - it shows a pseudo-command line you attempted. But it still does not lend itself to reproducibility, because we don't know what 'sort_fields' you used, nor what 'files..' contain.

You also didn't state whether you tried the --debug option, to see if the presence or absence of -s showed enough debugging crumbs to prove that you at least tried to analyze the problem yourself. Nor did you mention whether you read the source code (it _is_ open source, after all, so instead of asking someone else to do your homework, _you_ can find the answer).

I assume to authors who made -m and -s. My question should be clear?

Unfortunately, your assumption is wrong. A clear question is one that includes actual examples, and not one that forces someone to reproduce the work that you could have already provided them. Put it this way: suppose it took you 5 minutes to come up with a test case, and that there are 100 list readers interested in your problem, each of whom then take another 5 minutes to reproduce the setup from your vague description. Then you have cost 505 minutes of collective time; and your original work plus the work of each reader results in a very low signal-to-noise ratio (5/505 is less than 1% new discoveries, and more than 99% rehash). But if it takes you an additional 5 minutes to polish your query into an email that can then be copy-pasted into a terminal so that each reader can reproduce the problem in 5 seconds, then your initial 10 minutes of effort (which is indeed twice the work on your part) plus 500 seconds of list readers' time results in a much better ratio of useful new work (5/18.3 is > 27%). Although it costs you more, your efforts to make everyone else's life easier is magnified by the number of readers benefitted by your extra efforts. (And that's why I'm spending so long in writing my reply - to try to teach you that your historical style of questioning leaves a lot to be desired, as well as a possibly-futile attempt on my part to get you to recognize that the more effort YOU put into a good bug report, the less likely you are to be habitually ignored as someone who merely wastes time).

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3226
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