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Re: flyspell doesn't catch local variables?

From: Michaël Cadilhac
Subject: Re: flyspell doesn't catch local variables?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 19:56:44 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.90 (gnu/linux)

"Stuart D. Herring" <address@hidden> writes:

>> The following fixes that.
> Out of curiosity more than correction, why use `function' in your calls to
> *-hook?  It's not an environment where you could actually inline a
> function call or aid compiling in any way that I can see...

I was wondering the same.  I just stuck to the convention used in the
rest of the code, for coherence sake.

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 |      Michaël `Micha' Cadilhac     |  In a World without Walls and Fences,  |
 |         Epita/LRDE Promo 2007     |     who needs Windows and Gates?       |
 |  http://michael.cadilhac.name     |          -- Dino Esposito              |
 `--JID: address@hidden'                                   -  --'

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