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Re: [PATCH] Add comint-clear-buffer

From: Bozhidar Batsov
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Add comint-clear-buffer
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 00:08:21 +0200


Regarding the keybinding - it was chosen because of `C-c C-o` and a similar command in SLIME and CIDER bound to `C-c M-o`.

On 22 February 2015 at 23:23, Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> wrote:
> Any objections to the attached patched?
> Clearing the entire comint buffer is a pretty common functionality often
> added in modes based on comint and I'd like to see it built-in.

I haven't noticed it being added to derived modes, but it sounds like
useful functionality: I typically use M-x erase-buffer, but keeping this
loses the current input&prompt, so a dedicated command sounds better.

IOW: go ahead (as for the chosen key-binding, it sounds completely
arbitrary, but I don't have a better suggestion).


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