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Re: package.el: soft dependencies?

From: Yuri D'Elia
Subject: Re: package.el: soft dependencies?
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 23:52:07 +0200
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On 14/07/15 23:28, Rasmus wrote:
> Yuri D'Elia <address@hidden> writes:
>> This could be accomplished with a Package-Suggests header, with exactly
>> the same format as Package-Requires. package.el would just need to
>> present this information in the package description page, for the user
>> to inspect.
> But for optional dependencies you'd want to know what you get when
> installing more stuff, also within the package manager.  So there should
> also be a one line summary of what the dependency adds (this is how pacman
> works; I don't remember how verbose apt is).

apt has no detail as of why a package is suggested, and it works well
enough for me. Presenting the list briefly, as done for the requirements
would do.

Normally, when a package is suggested, I explicitly look for it in the
docs/description. Just knowing it's suggested does the job.

Most of the time the package name makes it immediately obvious though,
so it's rather straighforward.

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