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Re: Some hard numbers on licenses used by elisp packages

From: Jonas Bernoulli
Subject: Re: Some hard numbers on licenses used by elisp packages
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 18:03:30 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.19; emacs 25.2.1

Here's the list:

| Package (46)          | License   | Class    | Link                           
                         | Contacted | Response |
| ahk-mode              | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/ralesi/ahk-mode                      |           |          |
| binclock              | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/davep/binclock.el                    |           |          |
| caml                  | GPL-2     | orphaned | 
https://github.com/emacsorphanage/caml                  |           |          |
| chinese-conv          | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/gucong/emacs-chinese-conv            |           |          |
| crontab-mode          | GPL-2     | orphaned | 
https://github.com/emacsorphanage/crontab-mode          |           |          |
| dfmt                  | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/qsimpleq/elisp-dfmt                  |           |          |
| dna-mode              | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/jhgorrell/dna-mode-el                |           |          |
| ensime                | GPL       | github   | 
https://github.com/ensime/ensime-emacs                  |           |          |
| harvest               | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/kostajh/harvest.el                   |           |          |
| helm-ctest            | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/danlamanna/helm-ctest                |           |          |
| inline-crypt          | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/Sodel-the-Vociferous/inline-crypt-el |           |          |
| js-comint             | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/redguardtoo/js-comint                |           |          |
| live-py-mode          | EPL-1.0   | github   | 
https://github.com/donkirkby/live-py-plugin             |           |          |
| obfusurl              | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/davep/obfusurl.el                    |           |          |
| orgit                 | GPL-2     | github   | https://github.com/magit/orgit 
                         |           |          |
| pasp-mode             | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/santifa/pasp-mode                    |           |          |
| plantuml-mode         | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/skuro/plantuml-mode                  |           |          |
| prettify-greek        | GPL       | gitlab   | 
https://gitlab.com/fommil/emacs-prettify-greek          |           |          |
| protocols             | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/davep/protocols.el                   |           |          |
| py-gnitset            | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/quodlibetor/py-gnitset               |           |          |
| recover-buffers       | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/tripleee/recover-buffers             |           |          |
| review-mode           | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/kmuto/review-el                      |           |          |
| rhtml-mode            | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/eschulte/rhtml                       |           |          |
| rich-minority         | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/Malabarba/rich-minority              |           |          |
| sensitive             | CC-BY-3.0 | github   | 
https://github.com/timvisher/sensitive.el               |           |          |
| sequences             | CC-BY-3.0 | github   | 
https://github.com/timvisher/sequences.el               |           |          |
| services              | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/davep/services.el                    |           |          |
| sly-repl-ansi-color   | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/PuercoPop/sly-repl-ansi-color        |           |          |
| smartwin              | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/jerryxgh/smartwin                    |           |          |
| ssh-config-mode       | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/jhgorrell/ssh-config-mode-el         |           |          |
| stgit                 | GPL-2     | git      |                                
                         |           |          |
| syslog-mode           | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/vapniks/syslog-mode                  |           |          |
| ts-comint             | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/josteink/ts-comint                   |           |          |
| uptimes               | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/davep/uptimes.el                     |           |          |
| web-mode              | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/fxbois/web-mode                      |           |          |
| web-mode-edit-element | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/jtkDvlp/web-mode-edit-element        |           |          |
| xah-css-mode          | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xah-css-mode                  |           |          |
| xah-elisp-mode        | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xah-elisp-mode                |           |          |
| xah-find              | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xah-find                      |           |          |
| xah-fly-keys          | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xah-fly-keys                  |           |          |
| xah-get-thing         | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xah-get-thing-or-selection    |           |          |
| xah-lookup            | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/lookup-word-on-internet       |           |          |
| xah-math-input        | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xah-math-input                |           |          |
| xah-reformat-code     | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xah-reformat-code             |           |          |
| xah-replace-pairs     | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xah-replace-pairs             |           |          |
| xahk-mode             | GPL-2     | github   | 
https://github.com/xahlee/xahk-mode.el                  |           |          |

Have fun. I can produce more lists ;-)

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