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Re: mouse-drag-and-drop-region

From: Tak Kunihiro
Subject: Re: mouse-drag-and-drop-region
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2017 18:29:39 +0900 (JST)

Thank you for comments.

> I'd expect the initial feedback via a tooltip to appear right away
> as soon as I start dragging.  Personally, I'd even show the tooltip
> text when the mouse is temporarily out of the frame and leave it to
> the cursor to indicate whether a drop is possible at that position.

I think you are right.  I revised the code back.

>>>           (echo-keystrokes 0)
>>>           (make-cursor-line-fully-visible nil)
>>>           (auto-hscroll-mode-saved auto-hscroll-mode)
>>>           (old-track-mouse track-mouse)
> We probably should just wait until real problems show up in this
> regard.

Thank you for the comments.  I agree.  Let's postpone.

> (dolist (state states)
>       (let ((window (car state)))
>         (unless (eq window window-dropped)
>           (set-window-start window (nth 1 state) 'noforce)
>           (set-marker (nth 1 state) nil)
>           ;; If window is selected, the following automatically sets
>           ;; point for that window's buffer.
>           (set-window-point window (nth 2 state))
>           (set-marker (nth 2 state) nil))
>         (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
>           (setq cursor-type (nth 3 state)))))

I found a glitch.  I think

  (unless (eq window window-dropped)...

should be something like

  (when (and window-dropped
             (not (eq window window-dropped)))...


I attach the revise code.
diff --git a/lisp/mouse.el b/lisp/mouse.el
index 17d1732..aacb550
--- a/lisp/mouse.el
+++ b/lisp/mouse.el
@@ -2361,6 +2361,33 @@ text is copied instead of being cut."
   :version "26.1"
   :group 'mouse)
+(defcustom mouse-drag-and-drop-region-cut-when-buffers-differ nil
+  "If non-nil, cut text also when source and destination buffers differ.
+If this option is nil, `mouse-drag-and-drop-region' will leave
+the text in the source buffer alone when dropping it in a
+different buffer.  If this is non-nil, it will cut the text just
+as it does when dropping text in the source buffer."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :version "26.1"
+  :group 'mouse)
+(defcustom mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip 256
+  "If non-nil, text is shown by a tooltip in a graphic display.
+If this option is an integer, such as 32 or 64, a number giving
+the maximum length of the string shown in tooltip."
+  :type 'integer
+  :version "26.1"
+  :group 'mouse)
+(defvar mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-cursor t
+  "If non-nil, move point with mouse cursor during dragging.
+In addition, highlight the original region with
+(defvar mouse-drag-and-drop-region-face 'region
+  "Face to highlight the original text during dragging.
+See also `mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-cursor'.")
 (defun mouse-drag-and-drop-region (event)
   "Move text in the region to point where mouse is dragged to.
 The transportation of text is also referred as `drag and drop'.
@@ -2369,66 +2396,251 @@ modifier key was pressed when dropping, and the value 
of the
 variable `mouse-drag-and-drop-region' is that modifier, the text
 is copied instead of being cut."
   (interactive "e")
-  (require 'tooltip)
-  (let ((start (region-beginning))
-        (end (region-end))
-        (point (point))
-        (buffer (current-buffer))
-        (window (selected-window))
-        value-selection)
-    (track-mouse
-      ;; When event was click instead of drag, skip loop
-      (while (progn
-               (setq event (read-event))
-               (or (mouse-movement-p event)
-                   ;; Handle `mouse-autoselect-window'.
-                   (eq (car-safe event) 'select-window)))
-        (unless value-selection ; initialization
-          (delete-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay)
-          (setq value-selection (buffer-substring start end))
-          (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay start end)) ; (deactivate-mark)
-        (ignore-errors (deactivate-mark) ; care existing region in other window
-                       (mouse-set-point event)
-                       (tooltip-show value-selection)))
-      (tooltip-hide))
-    ;; Do not modify buffer under mouse when "event was click",
-    ;;                                       "drag negligible", or
-    ;;                                       "drag to read-only".
-    (if (or (equal (mouse-posn-property (event-end event) 'face) 'region) ; 
"event was click"
-            (member 'secondary-selection ; "drag negligible"
-                    (mapcar (lambda (xxx) (overlay-get xxx 'face))
-                            (overlays-at (posn-point (event-end event)))))
-            buffer-read-only)
-        ;; Do not modify buffer under mouse.
-        (cond
-         ;; "drag negligible" or "drag to read-only", restore region.
-         (value-selection
-          (select-window window) ; In case miss drag to other window
-          (goto-char point)
-          (setq deactivate-mark nil)
-          (activate-mark))
-         ;; "event was click"
-         (t
-          (deactivate-mark)
-          (mouse-set-point event)))
-      ;; Modify buffer under mouse by inserting text.
-      (push-mark)
-      (insert value-selection)
-      (when (not (equal (mark) (point))) ; on success insert
-        (setq deactivate-mark nil)
-        (activate-mark)) ; have region on destination
-      ;; Take care of initial region on source.
-      (if (equal (current-buffer) buffer) ; when same buffer
-          (let (deactivate-mark) ; remove text
-            (unless (member mouse-drag-and-drop-region (event-modifiers event))
-              (kill-region (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
-                           (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay))))
-        (let ((window1 (selected-window))) ; when beyond buffer
-          (select-window window)
-          (goto-char point) ; restore point on source window
-          (activate-mark) ; restore region
-          (select-window window1))))
-    (delete-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay)))
+  (let* ((mouse-button (event-basic-type last-input-event))
+         (mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip
+          (when (and mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip
+                     (display-multi-frame-p)
+                     (require 'tooltip))
+            mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip))
+         (start (region-beginning))
+         (end (region-end))
+         (point (point))
+         (buffer (current-buffer))
+         (window (selected-window))
+         (text-from-read-only buffer-read-only)
+         (mouse-drag-and-drop-overlay (make-overlay start end))
+         point-to-paste
+         point-to-paste-read-only
+         window-to-paste
+         buffer-to-paste
+         cursor-in-text-area
+         no-modifier-on-drop
+         drag-but-negligible
+         clicked
+         value-selection    ; This remains nil when event was "click".
+         text-tooltip
+         states
+         window-dropped)
+    ;; STATES stores for each window on this frame its start and point
+    ;; positions so we can restore them on all windows but for the one
+    ;; where the drop occurs.  For inter-frame drags we'll have to do
+    ;; this for all windows on all visible frames.  In addition we save
+    ;; also the cursor type for the window's buffer so we can restore it
+    ;; in case we modified it.
+    ;; https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2017-12/msg00090.html
+    (walk-window-tree
+     (lambda (window)
+       (setq states
+             (cons
+              (list
+               window
+               (copy-marker (window-start window))
+               (copy-marker (window-point window))
+               (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
+                 cursor-type))
+              states))))
+    (condition-case nil
+        (progn
+          (track-mouse
+            ;; When event was "click" instead of "drag", skip loop.
+            (while (progn
+                     ;; 
+                     (setq event (read-key))  ; read-event or read-key
+                     (or (mouse-movement-p event)
+                         ;; Handle `mouse-autoselect-window'.
+                         (eq (car-safe event) 'select-window)))
+              ;; Obtain the dragged text in region.  When the loop was
+              ;; skipped, value-selection remains nil.
+              (unless value-selection
+                (setq value-selection (buffer-substring start end))
+                (when mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip
+                  (let ((text-size mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip))
+                    (setq text-tooltip (if (and (integerp text-size)
+                                                (> (length value-selection) 
+                                           (concat
+                                            (substring value-selection 0 (/ 
text-size 2))
+                                            "\n...\n"
+                                            (substring value-selection (- (/ 
text-size 2)) -1))
+                                         value-selection))))
+                ;; Check if selected text is read-only.
+                ;; 
+                ;; (add-text-properties (region-beginning) (region-end) 
'(read-only t))
+                (setq text-from-read-only (or text-from-read-only
+                                              (get-text-property start 
+                                              (not (equal
(next-single-char-property-change start 'read-only nil end)
+                                                    end)))))
+              (setq window-to-paste (posn-window (event-end event)))
+              (setq point-to-paste (posn-point (event-end event)))
+              (setq buffer-to-paste (let (buf) ; Set nil when target buffer is 
+                                      (when (windowp window-to-paste)
+                                        (setq buf (window-buffer 
+                                        (when (not (minibufferp buf))
+                                          buf))))
+              (setq cursor-in-text-area (and window-to-paste
+                                             point-to-paste
+                                             buffer-to-paste))
+              (when cursor-in-text-area
+                ;; Check if point under mouse is read-only.
+                (save-window-excursion
+                  (select-window window-to-paste)
+                  ;; (add-text-properties (region-beginning) (region-end) 
'(read-only t))
+                  (setq point-to-paste-read-only
+                        (or buffer-read-only
+                            (get-text-property point-to-paste 'read-only))))
+                ;; Check if "drag but negligible".  Operation "drag but
+                ;; negligible" is defined as drag-and-drop the text to
+                ;; the original region.  When modifier is pressed, the
+                ;; text will be inserted to inside of the original
+                ;; region.
+                (setq drag-but-negligible
+                      (member mouse-drag-and-drop-region-face
+                              (mapcar (lambda (xxx) (overlay-get xxx 'face))
+                                      (overlays-at point-to-paste)))))
+              ;; Show a tooltip.
+              (if mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip
+                  ;; (and mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip
+                  ;;      (not drag-but-negligible)
+                  ;;      (not point-to-paste-read-only)
+                  ;;      cursor-in-text-area)
+                  (tooltip-show text-tooltip)
+                (tooltip-hide))
+              ;; Show cursor and highlight the original region.
+              (when mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-cursor
+                ;; Modify cursor even when point is out of frame.
+                (setq cursor-type (cond
+                                   ((not cursor-in-text-area)
+                                    nil)
+                                   ((or point-to-paste-read-only
+                                        drag-but-negligible)
+                                    'hollow)
+                                   (t
+                                    'bar)))
+                (when cursor-in-text-area
+                  (overlay-put mouse-drag-and-drop-overlay
+                               'face mouse-drag-and-drop-region-face)
+                  (deactivate-mark) ; Maintain region in other window.
+                  (mouse-set-point event)))))
+          ;; Hide a tooltip.
+          (when mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip (tooltip-hide))
+          ;; Check if modifier was pressed on drop.
+          (setq no-modifier-on-drop
+                (not (member mouse-drag-and-drop-region (event-modifiers 
+          ;; Check if event was "click".
+          (setq clicked (not value-selection))
+          ;; Restore status on drag to outside of text-area or non-mouse input.
+          ;; 
+          (when (or (not cursor-in-text-area)
+                    (not (equal (event-basic-type event) mouse-button)))
+            (setq drag-but-negligible t
+                  no-modifier-on-drop t))
+          ;; Do not modify any buffers when event is "click",
+          ;; "drag but negligible", or "drag to read-only".
+          (let* ((mouse-drag-and-drop-region-cut-when-buffers-differ
+                  (if no-modifier-on-drop
+                      mouse-drag-and-drop-region-cut-when-buffers-differ
+                    (not mouse-drag-and-drop-region-cut-when-buffers-differ)))
+                 (wanna-paste-to-same-buffer (equal buffer-to-paste buffer))
+                 (wanna-cut-on-same-buffer (and wanna-paste-to-same-buffer
+                                                no-modifier-on-drop))
+                 (wanna-cut-on-other-buffer (and (not 
+                 (cannot-paste (or point-to-paste-read-only
+                                   (when (or wanna-cut-on-same-buffer
+                                             wanna-cut-on-other-buffer)
+                                     text-from-read-only))))
+            (cond
+             ;; Move point within region.
+             (clicked
+              (deactivate-mark)
+              (mouse-set-point event))
+             ;; Undo operation. Set back the original text as region.
+             ((or (and drag-but-negligible
+                       no-modifier-on-drop)
+                  cannot-paste)
+              ;; Inform user either source or destination buffer cannot be 
+              (when (and (not drag-but-negligible)
+                         cannot-paste)
+                (message "Buffer is read-only"))
+              ;; Select source window back and restore region.
+              ;; (set-window-point window point)
+              (select-window window)
+              (goto-char point)
+              (setq deactivate-mark nil)
+              (activate-mark))
+             ;; Modify buffers.
+             (t
+              ;; * DESTINATION BUFFER::
+              ;; Insert the text to destination buffer under mouse.
+              (select-window window-to-paste)
+              (setq window-dropped window-to-paste)
+              (goto-char point-to-paste)
+              (push-mark)
+              (insert value-selection)
+              ;; On success, set the text as region on destination buffer.
+              (when (not (equal (mark) (point)))
+                (setq deactivate-mark nil)
+                (activate-mark))
+              ;; * SOURCE BUFFER::
+              ;; Set back the original text as region or delete the original
+              ;; text, on source buffer.
+              (if wanna-paste-to-same-buffer
+                  ;; When source buffer and destination buffer are the same,
+                  ;; remove the original text.
+                  (when no-modifier-on-drop
+                    (let (deactivate-mark)
+                      (delete-region (overlay-start 
+                                     (overlay-end 
+                ;; When source buffer and destination buffer are different,
+                ;; keep (set back the original text as region) or remove the
+                ;; original text.
+                (select-window window) ; Select window with source buffer.
+                (goto-char point) ; Move point to the original text on source 
+                (if mouse-drag-and-drop-region-cut-when-buffers-differ
+                    ;; Remove the dragged text from source buffer like
+                    ;; operation `cut'.
+                    (delete-region (overlay-start mouse-drag-and-drop-overlay)
+                                   (overlay-end mouse-drag-and-drop-overlay))
+                  ;; Set back the dragged text as region on source buffer
+                  ;; like operation `copy'.
+                  (activate-mark))
+                (select-window window-to-paste))))))
+      (error nil))
+    ;; Clean up.
+    (delete-overlay mouse-drag-and-drop-overlay)
+    ;; Restore old states but for the window where the drop
+    ;; occurred. Restore cursor types for all windows.
+    (dolist (state states)
+      (let ((window (car state)))
+        (when (and window-dropped
+                   (not (eq window window-dropped)))
+          ;; unless (eq window window-dropped)
+          (set-window-start window (nth 1 state) 'noforce)
+          (set-marker (nth 1 state) nil)
+          ;; If window is selected, the following automatically sets
+          ;; point for that window's buffer.
+          (set-window-point window (nth 2 state))
+          (set-marker (nth 2 state) nil))
+        (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
+          (setq cursor-type (nth 3 state)))))))
 ;;; Bindings for mouse commands.

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