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defmacro with built-in gensym declaration and initialization

From: akater
Subject: defmacro with built-in gensym declaration and initialization
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 08:15:46 +0000

I suggest extending ~defmacro~ to support ~&gensym~ keyword in its
lambda list, for convenient declaration and initialization of gensyms.

Below there's a link to working implementation, and to specification.

A realistic example from popular package =dash=

#+begin_example emacs-lisp
(defmacro --partition-by (form list)
  "Anaphoric form of `-partition-by'."
  (declare (debug (form form)))
  (let ((r (make-symbol "result"))
        (s (make-symbol "sublist"))
        (v (make-symbol "value"))
        (n (make-symbol "new-value"))
        (l (make-symbol "list")))
    `(let ((,l ,list))
       (when ,l
         (let* ((,r nil)
                (it (car ,l))
                (,s (list it))
                (,v ,form)
                (,l (cdr ,l)))
           (while ,l
             (let* ((it (car ,l))
                    (,n ,form))
               (unless (equal ,v ,n)
                 (!cons (nreverse ,s) ,r)
                 (setq ,s nil)
                 (setq ,v ,n))
               (!cons it ,s)
               (!cdr ,l)))
           (!cons (nreverse ,s) ,r)
           (nreverse ,r))))))

could then be rewritten as

#+begin_example emacs-lisp
(defmacro --partition-by ( form list
                           &gensym result sublist value new-value list)
  "Anaphoric form of `-partition-by'."
  (declare (debug (form form)))
  `(when ,list
     (let* ((,result nil)
            (it (car ,list))
            (,sublist (list it))
            (,value ,form)
            (,list (cdr ,list)))
       (while ,list
         (let* ((it (car ,list))
                (,new-value ,form))
           (unless (equal ,value ,new-value)
             (!cons (nreverse ,sublist) ,result)
             (setq ,sublist nil)
             (setq ,value ,new-value))
           (!cons it ,sublist)
           (!cdr ,list)))
       (!cons (nreverse ,sublist) ,result)
       (nreverse ,result))))

Lambda list keyword ~&gensym~, as implemented below, also provides
~once-only~ functionality.  For example, the definition

#+begin_example emacs-lisp
(defmacro with-file-buffer (filename &rest body)
  "Visit FILENAME unless already visited.  Set the buffer as current,
evaluate BODY forms.  Kill the buffer if it did not exist initially."
  (declare (indent 1))
  (let ((o-o-filename (gensym "filename-"))
        (exists-g (gensym "exists-"))
        (buffer-g (gensym "buffer-")))
    `(let* ((,o-o-filename ,filename)
            (,exists-g (get-file-buffer ,o-o-filename))
            (,buffer-g (or ,exists-g (find-file-noselect ,o-o-filename))))
       (unwind-protect (with-current-buffer ,buffer-g ,@body)
         (unless ,exists-g (kill-buffer ,buffer-g))))))

could be rewritten as

#+begin_example emacs-lisp
(defmacro with-file-buffer ( filename &rest body
                             (exists (get-file-buffer filename))
                             (buffer (or exists
                                         (find-file-noselect filename))))
  "Visit FILENAME unless already visited.  Set the buffer as current,
evaluate BODY forms.  Kill the buffer if it did not exist initially."
  (declare (indent 1))
  `(unwind-protect (with-current-buffer ,buffer ,@body)
     (unless ,exists (kill-buffer ,buffer))))

This ~&gensym~ facility eliminates the need for ~with-gensyms~ and
~once-only~ in cases when gensyms are created unconditionally by macro
function (in Common Lisp parlance).

An implementation ~defmacro/&gensym~ is accessible at

It is a fairly lengthy (26.6k words) Org file with exposition,
motivation, somewhat extensive tests (for the macro, its variations
and essential dependencies), examples, a ~cl-demacro/&gensym~ version
that supports destructuring lambda lists, and variations which expand
constants early.  There are 118 tests and examples for all the
variations in total.  The file can be tangled to a self-contained
elisp file that provides the macros in question.

Patch not provided because my implementation depends significantly on
~cl-symbol-macrolet~ which doesn't look like it could be used in such
a low-level code.

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