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Policy for declaring safe local variable values

From: Titus von der Malsburg
Subject: Policy for declaring safe local variable values
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2021 09:11:03 +0000

I have a configuration variable (in package bibtex-completion) that can 
usefully be set to a local value via a ‘Local Variable‘ comment in the file.  

# Local Variables:
# bibtex-completion-bibliography: "/path/to/bibliography.bib"
# End:

However, it’s annoying that users have to confirm that the local value for this 
variable is safe every time they open a file with a different value for that 
variable.  Question: Can I declare the variable safe for local values in my 
package, e.g.

(put 'bibtex-completion-bibliography 'safe-local-variable (lambda (_) t))

or would that violate Emacs conventions?


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