Thank you for the reply, Lars.
Corwin Brust <> writes:
> Are there design goals at stake here that bind-keys leaves aside? And,
> assuming there, would someone be so kind as to enumerate the design goals
> for a new keyboard binding layer?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking
Now that you ask, I wonderifmy thinkingis muddled, here.
-- that Emacs should be pre-loaded
with bind-keys?
That sounds great to me Are there barriers or concerns?
As far as I know, bind-keys uses the same syntax that we're moving to.
Mainly, I'm interested in the goal of the present work. Perfect, to help me understand, would be to put that as a list of 'bullet point' objectives.
I will have access to a personal computer tonight. I'll review this thread thoroughly. Likely I can then see the answers from that already once I do.
Sorry if I've created undue noise -- and tia for any 'goals in summay' anyone troubles to make.