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Re: Entering emojis

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: Re: Entering emojis
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 20:23:12 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

> Please repeat this after "M-x load-file Ret mule.el RET", so that we
> see which parts of char-displayable-p take the lion's share of the
> time.  Sorry I didn't think about this earlier.

Doesn't seem to be significantly more detailed...  The time spent is in
internal-char-font (i.e., in C).

         160  79% - command-execute
         160  79%  - call-interactively
         107  52%   - funcall-interactively
         102  50%    - eval-last-sexp
         102  50%     - elisp--eval-last-sexp
          92  45%      - eval
          92  45%       - progn
          88  43%        - require
          88  43%         - load-with-code-conversion
          88  43%          - if
          88  43%           - let
          84  41%            - while
          84  41%             - let
          84  41%              - emoji--adjust-displayable
          84  41%               - if
          84  41%                - setcdr
          84  41%                 - seq-filter
          84  41%                  - seq-map
          84  41%                   - apply
          84  41%                    - #<compiled 0x1843b3846bb8a9b4>
          84  41%                     - mapcar
          84  41%                      - #<compiled 0x91a61154973e1ff>
          84  41%                       - #<lambda -0x17f97417128c1ee8>
          81  40%                        - not
          81  40%                         - symbolp
          81  40%                          - char-displayable-p
          81  40%                           - cond
          81  40%                              let
           3   1%                        - let*
           3   1%                         - if
           3   1%                            let*
           4   1%            - unwind-protect
           4   1%             - let
           4   1%              - let
           4   1%                 eval-buffer
          10   4%      - macroexpand-all
          10   4%       - macroexp--expand-all
          10   4%        - #<compiled -0x1b8122fb0766dcec>
          10   4%         - macroexp--all-forms
          10   4%          - macroexp--expand-all
          10   4%             macroexp-macroexpand
           5   2%    - execute-extended-command
           5   2%     - command-execute
           5   2%      - call-interactively
           5   2%       - funcall-interactively
           5   2%          profiler-report
          53  26%   - byte-code
          53  26%    - read-extended-command
          53  26%     - completing-read
          53  26%      - completing-read-default
          22  10%       - read-from-minibuffer
           1   0%        - redisplay_internal (C function)
           1   0%         - #<compiled 0xea9a01304f8c1ee>
           1   0%          - apply
           1   0%           - redisplay--pre-redisplay-functions
           1   0%            - run-hook-with-args
           1   0%             - redisplay--update-region-highlight
           1   0%                #<compiled 0x1aa0cae987b1b988>

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

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