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Re: Proposal to include the Ef themes collection into Emacs core

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Proposal to include the Ef themes collection into Emacs core
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2023 08:22:43 +0000

Zoltan Kiraly <zolikydev@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear Emacs Development Team,
> I'm writing to bring your attention to an exceptional theme collection
> named "Ef Themes," created by Protesilaos Stavrou, the same author
> behind the Modus themes.
> Considering how well-received the Modus themes were and the positive
> response they received from the community, I'm confident that
> incorporating the "Ef Themes" collection into Emacs core would be of
> benefit to users. These themes offer an excellent choice for
> individuals who desire a more colorful Emacs environment while
> ensuring good readability.

My main concern is that there are a lot of themes, which might be
overwhelming if they are all provided by default.  The other question is
what the concrete use is of having them bundled in by default.  I am not
sure what the argumentation was when adding the Modus Themes to the
core, but I have to admit that I was not really a fan of adding the new
Modus Themes (-tinted, -tritanopia, -deuteranopia) to the core as well,
because of the above mentioned point of having too much provided by
default, which can cause choice paralysis.

Perhaps a compromise could be to limit the number of themes that are
added to three or four of the most popular ones.

> What makes the EF themes stand out is the awesome documentation,
> covering everything a user needs to know, and the fact that it is
> constantly updated and improved.

IIRC EF Themes had fewer customisation options than Modus Themes, right?
Is this something that would interest the "average" user who, I would
guess usually is not that invested as to read the manual of a theme?

> I kindly request you to consider evaluating the "Ef Themes" collection
> for potential integration into Emacs core. By embracing this
> collection, we can offer users a wider array of visually appealing
> options while upholding the high standards of Emacs.

On a tangent, what I was planning to work on for Emacs 30 was to add
more "semantic" faces (along the lines of highlight, match, success,
...).  I had previously discussed the topic with Protesilaos (added in
the CC's), and I think his work on various themes is useful in
recognising common patterns in faces being defined in third-party faces
that make creating themes so cumbersome (because of all the explicit
support that has to be added for all the various known packages).  I
reckon that ideally, a theme shouldn't have to concern itself with
specific packages.

> https://github.com/protesilaos/ef-themes
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Best regards,
> Zoltan Kiraly

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