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Re: New Package for NonGNU-ELPA: clojure-ts-mode

From: Danny Freeman
Subject: Re: New Package for NonGNU-ELPA: clojure-ts-mode
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 15:12:21 -0400

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:

> Is there a reason we wouldn't want to have support in the core?  Or at
> least GNU ELPA?

Not all of the maintainers of clojure-mode and clojure-ts-mode are on
board with the core development model, particularly copyright
assignment. Initially I wanted to put this straight in the core but
after some discussion we decided not to. I have personally done my
copyright assignment, but for clojure-ts-mode we won't be asking
contributors for it. Therefore, going into GNU ELPA or core then is out
of the question. 

> If added to GNU ELPA and NonGNU ELPA, this would be the first *-ts-mode
> package, from what I see.  From what I recall, the -ts-mode approach was
> a compromise to add some basic support for Tree Sitter in Emacs 29, but
> I am not sure if it was a final decision on the matter, because at least
> from my perspective of following the tree sitter development from a
> close distance, but also from user reports I have heard of since the
> release of Emacs 29, the current approach is slightly confusing.  Adding
> a -ts-mode to ELPA might be misinterpreted as a commitment to the
> current trajectory, and I am not sure if that is intended.

Yeah it is kind of confusing but I'm not sure what the end game is for
all the other *-ts-modes. Non tree-sitter Clojure-mode itself has a lot
of features and is also depended on by some other packages (cider,
inf-clojure). In that regard, we decided trying to keep clojure-ts-mode
and clojure-mode in the same repo would be too complex of a task.
Therefore we put it in it's own repo. 

Very long term plans are for clojure-ts-mode to eventually reach feature
parity with clojure-mode and start making it's consumer packages also
use it. That will probably take a number of years though.

>> + (clojure-ts-mode   :url "https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-ts-mode";
>> +  :ignored-files ("doc" "test")
> If possible, it is preferable to list ignored files in a .elpaignore
> file, in the repository root directory.

I have made a commit to the repo including one of those .elpaignores.
I'm going to wait a while to tag a new release in case there is other
feedback though. Here is the revised patch

Attachment: 0002-elpa-packages-clojure-ts-mode-new-package.patch
Description: Text Data

Danny Freeman

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