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Re: Parenthesis matching should consider the kind of parenthesis during

From: Herman , Géza
Subject: Re: Parenthesis matching should consider the kind of parenthesis during pair-search
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 17:05:18 +0100

Alan Mackenzie <acm@muc.de> writes:

I think I just wrote facts here.

Well, you wrote "All the other interactions would be the same.", which is
not yet an established fact.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, I meant that this is true for this example. And I think this is true, it's easy to verify.

If you want to see it in Emacs, you're going to have to implement it yourself. But help would be available on the list.
Thanks! I'll check this out. As I see this is a little bit more complicated, because this thing uses a more general scanner function (called scan_list). I think it's easy to hack something so it works for my case, but it can easily break other part of Emacs.

For editing files written in C or C++, all of (), {}, [], and (in C++) <> are used as paren pairs. They've got to match properly. After killing and yanking a large chunk of text, the current paren matching is useful to indicate any "missing" parens at the start or end of the region
just yanked, for example.
Yes, but you need to move the cursor over some paren, right? Otherwise there is no paren-related info shown. Supposedly the first or last paren is a good candidate for this. But I think that with my suggested method, problems are detected as well. Maybe there are different cases where each method fails, but I don't see any of the methods significantly better than the other in this regard.

But, tbh, I think it would be better if Emacs simply had (and maybe it does have) a functionality which simply checks that all the parens are OK. Without ever having to move the point over some paren. I find it a hacky, if one, after some copy-pasting, moves the cursor over the first or last copied paren, and if there is no mismatch detected, then considers that the copy-paste was surely fine. Maybe that's true, but I have to think hard to confirm this.

But it annoys me that sometimes I cannot move to the pair of a paren
because of this behavior.

To be honest, things like that annoy me a bit, too, like when typing in a regexp into the minibuffer. But it would annoy me more not to have any
mismatches highlighted in a C buffer.
Just to clarify, with my suggestion, missing parens are still highlighted. Only "mismatching" parens are not. But I don't think that "mismatching" parens should be a thing. I think that except very beginners, people simply don't write mismatching parens by mistake. So there is no need to detect that. I admit that it can be typo. But if that's a typo, the mistake will still be detected by my suggested method.

But thinking about it further, maybe this problem shouldn't be solved like this, because there is a better solution: makefile-mode should be more clever - if it is possible - to not mark } as a paren in my example case, because from the semantics of the Makefile viewpoint, it is not actually a paren, '}' should behave like if it were in a string.

Yes, this would be possible too, but likely quite a bit more complicated.
The more I think about it, the clearer that this is the correct solution for this problem. But I agree, it may need way to much of work to solve such a tiny problem.

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