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Re: Missing snprintf in ucrt mingw + vc-refresh in find-file hook?

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Missing snprintf in ucrt mingw + vc-refresh in find-file hook?
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 05:42:52 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 14/02/2024 01:10, Arthur Miller wrote:

We could try dropping the forced refresh from find-file-hook. Then we'd have a
function there that should be called differently, which would just reset the
saved backend/status for the file, and the cached value for vc-mode (the
mode-line element).

I didn't suggest to rebuild everything :). Just an option to remove the update
for those who don't want the update (I guess I am the only one).

That's wouldn't be a big rewrite, I think. So far it seems the required changes would be limited, that's why I outlined the idea.

Then, if the user disabled showing the VC state in the mode-line, and doesn't
have any other packages installed that use the status, Git won't be called, at
least not right away.

It would be one's own responsibility to keep track if it is needed by other
applicaitons or not. This why I asked, if there is something else than modeline
that needs this.

I see defcustom declaration fo vc-display-status is changed from what it was in
29.2 to what is now in the master. I guess you (or someone) is already planning
something in this direction? Was it meant that vc-refresh (or something in the
chain of call) decide to call git or not based on the value of that variable?
Looks to me like that was the plan, but I don't know the intentions.

The idea behind it was something else: to be able to unify mode-line elements (from vc and project).

In case when list of files are checked, one can let-binding vc-display-status
to nil in vc-refresh (or the responsible one) so to not trigger git?

vc-display-status only affects vc's mode-line element.

So I would welcome such an experiment, especially if one is careful to retain
support for vc-follow-symlinks.

vc-after-save could similarly avoid doing the full refresh until the file's
backend/state are requested again.

When they request for the backend state; they could do so asyncrhonously to, by
starting a timer? The update will not be immideate; run first when Emas is idle,
if it is just the modeline; but third party apps, if there are such, can be more

That's not simpler.

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