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Re: A lot of warnings building Emacs master

From: Andy Moreton
Subject: Re: A lot of warnings building Emacs master
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 01:37:12 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

On Sun 27 Oct 2024, Angelo Graziosi wrote:

> Building last master (commit 523aade3ea11c188e30e3889f031d1848129cf82) I get
> about 10615 (grep -c ...) "Warning" like this:
> org-src.el: Warning: `if-let' is an obsolete macro (as of 31.1); use `if-let*'
> instead.

I see this also. The change to mark this as obsolete is premature.

Marking as obsolete to avoid new uses being introduced should only be
done after reworking the existing  codebase  to remove the majority of
existing calls.

The current situation of leaving hundreds of lines of warning noise in
the build output makes it harder to see other problems, and is not good.


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