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Re: A lot of warnings building Emacs master

From: Andrea Corallo
Subject: Re: A lot of warnings building Emacs master
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 04:17:20 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Andy Moreton <andrewjmoreton@gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun 27 Oct 2024, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
>> Building last master (commit 523aade3ea11c188e30e3889f031d1848129cf82) I get
>> about 10615 (grep -c ...) "Warning" like this:
>> org-src.el: Warning: `if-let' is an obsolete macro (as of 31.1); use 
>> `if-let*'
>> instead.
> I see this also. The change to mark this as obsolete is premature.
> Marking as obsolete to avoid new uses being introduced should only be
> done after reworking the existing  codebase  to remove the majority of
> existing calls.
> The current situation of leaving hundreds of lines of warning noise in
> the build output makes it harder to see other problems, and is not good.
>     AndyM

Agree, we should strive for pushing only warning free commits.

I see Sean is putting effort in fixing this, but I often even see
commits introducing new warnings in the hope that other contributors fix
them in the future, this is not okay.

That said I don't understand as well why was necessary to obsolete
if-let in favor of if-let*, but bug#73853 has some reference to previous
discussions (which I had no time to go through) and the change was
agreed by a maintainer.


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