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[O] [Patch] Few small fixes to html header

From: Marcin Antczak
Subject: [O] [Patch] Few small fixes to html header
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:57:01 +0100
User-agent: mu4e; emacs

I've attached patch below, but I'm affraid that there is something wrong
with indentation.
I'm not sure if there is problem with my settings or just entire
ox-html.el is indented badly.

I've been trying to indent file with the default parameters.
I started Emacs with -Q parameter and as I can see there is
a .dir-locals.el in org-mode repo.

So, everything should be ok. Unfortunately there are some differences related 
to indentation in my patch.

Please review and accept this patch, or enlighten me how to set
indentation properly.

My patch fixes HTML meta data produced on export by ox-html.el

1. Meta charset definition should be set before title as document title can 
some unicode symbols etc.

2. Added viewport declaration as described here:




3. Fixed unnecessary "\n" at the end of Description meta.
4. Removed unnecessary spaces in meta tags.


Attachment: 0001-Few-small-fixes-to-html-header.patch
Description: Patch

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